Monday, May 14, 2012

Superfood of the Week: KALE!

This week's SUPERFOOD is KALE!!!  What's kale?  Kale is one of the healthiest vegetables on earth!  No joke.  Kale is a cruciferous vegetable; part of the Brassica family (which includes other cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, collards, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts). 

Just one cup of this amazing veggie contains:

36 calories
5 grams of fiber
15% of the daily requirement of calcium and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
40% of magnesium
180% of vitamin A
200% of vitamin C
1,020% of vitamin K (Vitamin K is necessary for a wide variety of bodily functions, including normal blood clotting, antioxidant activity, and bone health)

Kale is also a great source of minerals copper, potassium, iron, manganese, and phosphorus. 

Kale can also help promote good eye health due to it's high lutein and zeaxanthin compounds.  Also, Kale can help reduce the risk of heart disease and lower blood cholesterol levels, especially when cooked (as opposed to raw).  Also, rich in fiber this vegetables hails as KING in my book. 


Cooking it is preferable due to it's bitter taste.  There are many ways to eat this SUPERFOOD.   I found that making Kale Chips was the easiest way to consume this SUPERFOOD.  I know, I know Kale Chips sounds as if it is not a good alternative to regular potato chips, but you'd be surprised!  ***DON'T DISS IT, UNTIL YOU TRY IT!***

They are very delicate, so dipping them is kind of difficult... HEY, I just thought of a new dip recipe including crispy KALE!  YAY!  Love how recipes just pop up... But, back to the Kale Chips...

Here's a good recipe for making those crispy little wonders your new favorite Superfood!  

Here's to good, clean eats! 

EASY AS PIE, but way less calories and not as many steps... Haha! 


3-4 handfuls of Kale (I purchase my kale from Trader Joe's so it's already de-stemmed)
1-2 tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
Sea salt (Kosher salt will also do)

*If you like spicy, try sprinkling some Cayenne Pepper or Crushed Red Pepper Flakes with the Kale.  

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Using parchment paper on top of your baking sheet will greatly help crisp these delightful little dudes, so use it!
  • Make sure your leaves are suuuuuper dry and have no moisture outside them... 
  • Once dry, place in a large bowl and pour your EVOO (and sprinkle your spicy spices, but not your salt... salt will cause the Kale to release moisture which will cause them to wilt and get soggy... and who wants soggy chips!?!)
  • After every leaf is cover with goodness, place evenly on your baking sheet.
  • Cook for 12-15 minutes.  Be careful not to burn them! They'll become bitter and utterly dissatisfying! 
  • Once crispy BUT NOT BURNT, remove from oven sprinkling your salt now! 
  • Eat and enjoy!
Now, you have yourself a great recipe for some nutritious and delicious Kale Chips!