Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Want to know the skinny on the moves I used have time and time again to obtain definite and amazing results?! Of course, you do!!!  Haha... Be prepared to not be lazy.  And, don't forget to hydrate!

Warning: These challenging moves should always be performed with caution and you should consult your physician prior to working out, if you haven't worked in awhile or are new to working out with weights or using any sort of strength and/or resistance training.  Also, I am not trying to rear you from your personal or athletic trainer's advice or instruction, I'm merely suggesting that these moves have proved to my body that they work and worth all the sweat and tears!

First, MUSIC!  I have to have something to distract my mind from the grueling workout that I endure.  What happens to be on my list?  Just a few amazing songs:
  • Handsome Furs- Get Started
  • Hole- Violet 
  • Modest Mouse- Doin' The Cockroach
  • Pinback- AFK
  • Death Cab for Cutie- Equinox
  • LMFAO- Party Rock Anthem   <--- I know, don't laugh though!  It's a great workout song!
  • Queens of the Stone Age- Little Sister 
  • Yeah Yeah Yeahs- Y Control
  • Flock of Seagulls- I Ran
  • The Postal Service- Such Great Heights
  • TV on the Radio- Wolf Like Me
  • No Doubt- Hella Good
  • The Kills- Future Starts Slow 
  • Madonna- Holiday 
That was Monday's mix.  I do love to include 80's music in most tasks I do, but I was highly favoring indie rock that day... and LMFAO.  Haha!

On to what I did at the gym for an hour long... TOO MUCH!!!

1. Hip Adduction (3 sets, 15 reps, 60 lbs.)
2. Hip Abduction (3 sets, 15 reps, 60 lbs.)
3. Leg Press (3 sets, 15 reps, 90 lbs.)
4. Dead Leg Lift (3 sets, 20 reps, 30 lbs.)
5. Squats (I used an assist bar and put 20 lbs. on it, 3 sets, 15 reps)
6. Walking Lunges (I used two 5 lb. hand held weights, 3 sets, 30 steps forward)

No cardio on that day or upper body.  Normally, I stick to one part of my body (lower body and abs) on one day, the opposite the next (upper body), cardio the next or I incorporate cardio with light legs/butt or arms/shoulders/upper back.  I will post some sweet pictures of me in action, so stay tuned.  And, have fun!

Also, below I posted some GREAT links for those wanting to get an insight on what to eat after an intense workout or run and an article on boosting your endurance!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Get Rid of Those Little Red Bumps!


Yes, that's right!  Rid yourself from uneven and rough skin... Even those pesky red bumps on your legs you get from shaving... a.k.a. razor burn! 

This product has proven itself beyond my expectations and similar reviews from product users agree, as well.  And, it's not a bad price for 6.7 fl oz. You only need a little bit because it goes a long way! 

I was very pleased to have purchased this product.  I'm not sponsored or endorsed in any way from the manufacturers of this product, I am simply letting you know it's a GOOD BUY! 

So, if you or you know anyone who might need a little scrub-a-dub-dub, here ya go!  And, FREE SHIPPING!  Check out the website for details and product information.  There is a plethora of products for various skin conditions and types.  Enjoy! 

Main website:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dinner: Monday Night

Monday night's dinner was a success!  I was very tempted to eat chicken breast, but succumbed to a simple yet delicious and healthy salad... AND I AM ALL ABOUT EATING HEALTHY!!!

Here is the recipe (for yourself... if you are making for guests simply double, triple, etc.):
  • 1 Cup Baby Spinach
  • 1/8 Cup Red Onion
  • 1/3 Cup (halved) Walnuts 
  • Half of a Granny Smith Apple (sliced thin) 
  • 2-3 Tbsp. crumbled Gorgonzola Cheese (which is Italian Bleu Cheese) or Bleu Cheese
  • Cracked Black Pepper to taste
  • VERY LITTLE or to taste Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing (I prefer Trader Joe's Non-fat version)
Simply add these ingredients together.  And, WA LA!  Deliciousness! 
That was my vegetarian meal in a hurry and with a plus ten taste factor.  ENJOY!

Monday, September 26, 2011

What's For Dinner...?

It's almost time for dinner and I am contemplating what to eat.  Last night's dinner was one of indulgence.  I was feeling lousy after a fantastic day out; Huskies games, Oktoberfest (which I didn't enter but I saw it), followed by a night of amazing Sushi, more beer, and Sake. 

Any day following a high intake of alcohol has always consisted of high-fat contented foods.  Yesterday, I ate a delicious Grilled Ham and Cheese sandwich.  But, not just your Mom's version.  I cut some fresh Italian bread (thinly sliced), layered with red onions, a slice of deli honey ham, light Provolone cheese, with a dash of fresh grated Parmesan cheese on the outer pan crisped bread.  It was amazing! 

After that, I still wasn't feeling as if I used enough fat or grease to help make me feel better.  I decided hash browns and eggs.  That was no gourmet make.  For dinner I had my Mother's fried chicken, homemade mashed potatoes and brown gravy, steamed broccoli, sauteed garlic and thyme butternut squash.  Mmm!  I know tonight's dinner will have to be healthier.

So, what is for dinner?  Hmm... Well, I have a plethora of chicken leftover... Nah.  Tonight will be a vegetarian night.  I don't normally cook without an animal based protein included in my dishes, but it just sounds light and delicious. 

I will update you with a post, recipe, and pictures for those interested.  So, stayed tuned!  Let me know what you had for dinner, too!