Monday, September 26, 2011

What's For Dinner...?

It's almost time for dinner and I am contemplating what to eat.  Last night's dinner was one of indulgence.  I was feeling lousy after a fantastic day out; Huskies games, Oktoberfest (which I didn't enter but I saw it), followed by a night of amazing Sushi, more beer, and Sake. 

Any day following a high intake of alcohol has always consisted of high-fat contented foods.  Yesterday, I ate a delicious Grilled Ham and Cheese sandwich.  But, not just your Mom's version.  I cut some fresh Italian bread (thinly sliced), layered with red onions, a slice of deli honey ham, light Provolone cheese, with a dash of fresh grated Parmesan cheese on the outer pan crisped bread.  It was amazing! 

After that, I still wasn't feeling as if I used enough fat or grease to help make me feel better.  I decided hash browns and eggs.  That was no gourmet make.  For dinner I had my Mother's fried chicken, homemade mashed potatoes and brown gravy, steamed broccoli, sauteed garlic and thyme butternut squash.  Mmm!  I know tonight's dinner will have to be healthier.

So, what is for dinner?  Hmm... Well, I have a plethora of chicken leftover... Nah.  Tonight will be a vegetarian night.  I don't normally cook without an animal based protein included in my dishes, but it just sounds light and delicious. 

I will update you with a post, recipe, and pictures for those interested.  So, stayed tuned!  Let me know what you had for dinner, too!

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