Thursday, August 23, 2012

Feel Free To Repeat Yourself

I have quite the habit of sticking to what I know, as far as what I eat.  Also, whatever I have stocked in my fridge or cupboards is what I am using to make my clean meals with.  Often times I repeat meals or make very similar meals.  Sometimes I think to myself, "Gee, where's your sense of creativity?" or "Are my meals too boring?" or "Shouldn't I be adding more variety?" Simply put... I can do whatever I want!  Haha... Seriously.  My meals, my way as long as they are clean and healthy.  I used to think I wasn't eating clean enough because I lacked variety.  I stick to what I know, generally, and new ideas sprout from there. 

Don't get me wrong.  I love cooking and I love being able to use new ingredients in various ways.  Sometimes, my stock of food only affords me so much variety until my next grocery shopping extravaganza!  Whichever person you are, same old same old or creative and never eats the same thing twice... good for you.  As long as you circulate variety somehow, someway; be it same ingredients different recipes or same recipes with different ingredients... if you feel you need some mixing up in your eating ways.  ;-)

You are probably wondering the point of this blog.  Well, here it is... I have been feeling free to repeat myself, my meals, and I don't feel bad.  I read an article that stated that The National Weight Control Registry conducted a study on people who maintained a weight loss of at least 30 pounds for at least a year.  The success was due to limited exposure of temptation foods.  What they had on hand was a plentiful amount of clean foods they pull from regularly... like I do.  Hmm, I guess all my worrying was needless and senseless because I, unbeknownst to myself, was stocking foods I know were healthy and necessary in my clean eating lifestyle.  Those foods are the same foods I purchase from the grocery store on a regular basis, as well.  This doesn't mean I can't stock the occasional exotic buy or not try new foods.  This simply confirms that if you feel you repeat meals, too, it's because you know how to cease temptation... whether you knew it or not.  And, besides... who cares if you always eat the same foods?!?  Your taste buds, right?!  Just make sure you try new foods and add some spice into them, as well!  Literally. 

Aww, I feel much better now... I'm going to go repeat myself and eat another veggie medley (sauteed onions, green bell peps, mushrooms, jalapenos, spinach) and this time, for variety sake I will toss in some black beans and a hard boiled egg.  Haha!  Cheer to clean eats! 

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