Thursday, August 23, 2012

Feel Free To Repeat Yourself

I have quite the habit of sticking to what I know, as far as what I eat.  Also, whatever I have stocked in my fridge or cupboards is what I am using to make my clean meals with.  Often times I repeat meals or make very similar meals.  Sometimes I think to myself, "Gee, where's your sense of creativity?" or "Are my meals too boring?" or "Shouldn't I be adding more variety?" Simply put... I can do whatever I want!  Haha... Seriously.  My meals, my way as long as they are clean and healthy.  I used to think I wasn't eating clean enough because I lacked variety.  I stick to what I know, generally, and new ideas sprout from there. 

Don't get me wrong.  I love cooking and I love being able to use new ingredients in various ways.  Sometimes, my stock of food only affords me so much variety until my next grocery shopping extravaganza!  Whichever person you are, same old same old or creative and never eats the same thing twice... good for you.  As long as you circulate variety somehow, someway; be it same ingredients different recipes or same recipes with different ingredients... if you feel you need some mixing up in your eating ways.  ;-)

You are probably wondering the point of this blog.  Well, here it is... I have been feeling free to repeat myself, my meals, and I don't feel bad.  I read an article that stated that The National Weight Control Registry conducted a study on people who maintained a weight loss of at least 30 pounds for at least a year.  The success was due to limited exposure of temptation foods.  What they had on hand was a plentiful amount of clean foods they pull from regularly... like I do.  Hmm, I guess all my worrying was needless and senseless because I, unbeknownst to myself, was stocking foods I know were healthy and necessary in my clean eating lifestyle.  Those foods are the same foods I purchase from the grocery store on a regular basis, as well.  This doesn't mean I can't stock the occasional exotic buy or not try new foods.  This simply confirms that if you feel you repeat meals, too, it's because you know how to cease temptation... whether you knew it or not.  And, besides... who cares if you always eat the same foods?!?  Your taste buds, right?!  Just make sure you try new foods and add some spice into them, as well!  Literally. 

Aww, I feel much better now... I'm going to go repeat myself and eat another veggie medley (sauteed onions, green bell peps, mushrooms, jalapenos, spinach) and this time, for variety sake I will toss in some black beans and a hard boiled egg.  Haha!  Cheer to clean eats! 

Monday, August 13, 2012

It's Been Awhile... And, I am back!

Well, I have been M.I.A. for awhile wallowing in self-pity due to my lack of discipline to eat clean and exercise for the last almost month.  Sometimes we all fail.  However, that's what helps us learn how to regain success by acknowledging our failures and deciding to cease the non-clean debauchery (in my case... alcohol)... and begin again.  Just because I had fell of my clean eating and fitness wagon doesn't mean I cannot pick my ass back up and get back on. 

So, as the song goes: Here I go again on my own!  And, by "my own" I mean only me, myself, and I can accomplish my healthy lifestyle goals.  No one else is going to run for me, lift weights for me, drink oodles of water for me, or eat a plethora of fantastically great clean foods for me.  ONLY MYSELF is GOING TO DO THINGS FOR ME.  With this in mind, I go forward.  I move on.  I make note and make myself aware of past mistakes I have created and I MOVE FORWARD.  I will not forget how crappy I felt from drinking too much and eating the wrong foods (alcohol is a trigger for making bad decisions all around... food included).  I will not forget how making excuses to not get myself active mad me feel insecure about my body, thus causing me to be very angry and extremely moody.  I will not forget how my lack of will power made me feel weak as a person and as if I was letting down a community of clean eaters who I adore... Therefore, I am back. 

It's so easy to not do what's right (or healthy) and so much easier just to ignore my wants, my dreams, my life... MYSELF.  I want to be healthy!  I want to be known as a runner!  I want to be able to be complimented on my guns (my super toned arms... haha)!  I want a nice firm butt!  I want to look at my abs in the mirror while alone and be proud of what I am doing!  I want to share the good eat recipes I create because I want everyone to try how amazing clean eating can be and that you can do it, too!  I want so much!  And, the more I want the more I know I have to do my part to get it.

No more excuses, no more pussy footing around the fact I need to put work into myself and my passion in order to see results.  No more being weak and slipping into temptation.  MORE working out, MORE eating better foods, MORE smiling because I feel better inside and out, MORE positivity about myself, MORE love for myself, MORE time for myself (even if it's only 20 minutes).  MORE HEALTHY CHOICES!  I rather spend the ache and pain (mind, body, and yes... WALLET) now than be sick later with medical bills, illness, possibly disease all due to an unhealthy lifestyle.

Oh, and one more thing... (gosh sometimes A.D.D. sucks... haha) I need to find ways not to give into temptation... or peer pressure.  Even as an adult I experience peer pressure... NOT often, but when I do I don't let myself forget about it, as well.  I am extremely hard on myself.  I punish myself greatly for defeat and I need to work on that.  I need to work on forgiving myself for drinking or eating nachos one night... As long as it's only VERY infrequently.  But, not giving into temptation and peer pressure while also forgiving myself if I do decide to have a beer is something I have to work on.  I won't be having a beer everyday or eating nachos every week, but when I do have those cheats I want to be able to relish in the moment and NOT feel bad. 

I feel as if I have gotten much off my chest today and I feel amazing.  I am so glad I have this forum to release some pent up frustrations and admit I am NOWHERE near perfect.  I am very imperfect; I am human and yes, I have problems and obstacles like everyone else.  I've accepted those feats and demons, I am learning to move on, and I am dedicating myself to happiness and where I find happiness is through family, friends, love for fitness, love for food... CLEAN EATING. 

Thank you all for reading.  Thank you all for making me feel as if I have not failed...

Also, I'd like to thank a friend of mine for one day posting a very pondering question... She asked if she should accept a similar position at another company or follow her dream.  Without any hesitation, I replied that she should follow her dream.  She has such a gift and such passion that NOT following her dream would be something she might regret later.  Then, I thought... "Wait, I am giving advice I should be following!"  There was a time (OK, all my life up until reading this then reflecting upon it) that I am too old to begin a new career; my prime years have come and gone now it's too late... YADDA YADDA YADDA! She inspired me!  She, unbeknownst to her, allowed me to be free from what I used to think.  She allowed me to realize we are never too old to follow our passions and make ourselves ultimately happy... So, I'd like to thank her!  THANK YOU! 

Now, go get active or make some deliciously clean!  CHEERS! 


Monday, June 11, 2012

Organic vs. Non Organic... That Is The Question!

I have been meaning to discuss this topic for sometime.  My sister (props to Lindsay B!) got me curious as to what's the big deal?  Why is this such a debate?  I buy whatever is on sale... whatever is the cheapest because I'm a student on a BUDGET.  That's why I buy what I buy.  Never did the thought of "is organic produce more nutritious for you than non organic?" enter my mind.  Budget overrules everything... And, the amount of produce I consume is ridiculous sometimes...  But, that was a question I have been asked: Is organic produce better for you than non?  What should I buy?

So, I am here to brief you on the nitty gritty of organic produce vs. non organic produce.  First... let's set the record straight... In order for produce to be organic it must meet very strict USDA rules.  Most these rules apply to how the crops are farmed and what they use to prevent pests, insects, and the environment from destroying or contaminating crops. 

Organic produce is protected by other environmental assistance such as insects and birds, mating disruption or traps to reduce pests and disease. To manage weeds, organic farmers rotate crops, till, hand weed or mulch.  To promote crop growth organic farmers will apply natural fertilizers, such as manure or compost, to feed soil and plants. Manure, you may ask... YES!  MANURE.  You read it correctly both times.  Haha... But, in all seriousness the use of manure as a fertilizer in organic farming inevitably has lead to fears of contamination of produce with bacteria such as E. coli which could lead to food poisoning. However, if the organic farmers compost the manure for a precise time at an exact temperature, the amount of bacteria present is greatly reduced.  Thus, keeping food poisoning down in numbers. 

Non organic produce farmers, commonly referred to as "conventional," apply chemical fertilizers to promote plant growth.  In addition, conventional farming techniques call for conventional farmers to spray insecticides to reduce pests and disease.  Also, to manage weeds synthetic herbicides are used.

Studies have shown using pesticides such as those used in conventional farming have been linked  to cancers, neurological damage, as well as birth defects and even possible early onset of Parkinson's. By choosing organic produce, you'll not only lower the amounts of toxic pesticides in your body, but also your levels of bisphenol A and phthalates; both can alter your hormones... Like we need anymore altering of our hormones... LADIES?!?!  Haha...

After extensively reading lots of articles, websites, and blogs I came to the conclusion that some produce is worth buying organic, others not so much.  If not reasonably priced, then I buy what is reasonably priced.  I'm not going broke... Plus, an apple is still an apple is still a fruit and I am getting my one serving in... REGARDLESS.  Like I said, if the price is right and organic is just a few cents higher in cost than it's step-siblings, conventional produce, then I will splurge!!!  Why not... Haha. 

So... Here's the low down on what you can get away with NOT buying labeled as organic and what you should buy if organic is available...

What you should ALWAYS purchase ORGANIC:
  • apple
  • bell peppers
  • carrots
  • celery
  • strawberries
  • lettuce (any leafy green vegetable at that...)
  • potatoes
What is OK NOT to purchase ORGANIC:
  • asparagus
  • avocado
  • sweet peas
  • grapefruit
  • onions
  • cabbage
  • onions
  • sweet corn
  • pineapple
  • mango
Also, making sure you clean your produce carefully will prevent those pesticides from entering your mouth... Wash everything GOOD and wipe your produce dry! 

Oh, I almost forgot!  Some of the above organic produce I suggested to buy REGULARLY actually are a little more nutritious in some aspects and some not... For instance, ORGANIC strawberries  have higher concentrations of antioxidant activity, more vitamin C, and more phenolics.  Phenolics are some of the main sources of antioxidants that we get in our diet. The organic berries (any berry) did have lower concentrations of phosphorus and potassium.  But, organic berries (any berry) actually last longer than those that are not. 

So, I say buy if you can afford organic produce and only buy the organic produce that is listed as a SHOULD ALWAYS PURCHASE as ORGANIC.  Otherwise, it's a personal preference and to each their own.  Cheers to clean eating! 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Broccoli Slaw... SAY WHAAAAT!?!?

Yes!  Broccoli Slaw people!  I was craving me some slaw the other day.  I saw that I needed to use up my broccoli and FAST!  But, I didn't feel like wasting all the stalk of the broccoli.  I hate wasting food... I am a food junkie and wasting food is almost sac-religious to me!  Haha...

So, I decided to create a simple and delicious Broc Slaw.  It's as delicious as much as it is nutritious!  Probably the best slaw ever... EVER! 

In fact, I am eating it as I write this blog... I love leftovers!  Broccoli is a FABULOUS food... a SUPERFOOD!  Broccoli boasts high in Vitamin C which is not only a great preventive measure for colds, it also helps ease cold symptoms and help in the absorbency of iron.  And, it doesn't stop there... NOPE.  In fact, the beta-carotene in broccoli transforms into vitamin A within the body, providing an effective antioxidant that destroys free radicals (responsible for weakening the defense of cells). 

Also, did you know that broccoli can help prevent and control many disease and illnesses?!?  Just look: Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, calcium deficiencies, stomach and colon cancer, malignant tumors, lung cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and even the aging process can all be prevented and/or controlled by the feared by many SUPERFOOD... My best friend, Broccoli! 

So, I say why not bust out that broccoli and make something delicious!

Broc Slaw by Cortney Murphy
(Yeah... I figured I'd add my name to my recipes... Why not... HAHA!)
Serves: 4-6 peeps
  • 3 cups of shredded stalk of broc and finely chopped broccoli (the leafy stuff)
  • 2-3  slices of cooked bacon (I used regular bacon... it's spread so sparingly throughout the slaw it's not a huge deal...)
  • 5 small sweet peppers (they come in a huge bag at grocery stores for about $5.99)
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped cilantro
  • 2 large celery stalks, chopped
  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries
  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
  • 1/2 medium red onion, chopped

  • Lemon juice from a large lemon
  • 3 tbsp of mayo (or light)
  • 1 tsp EVOO
  • 1 tbsp honey (make sure it's 100%... buyer beware of "HONEY SAUCE" which contains added preservatives including crap like high fructose corn syrup)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
Simply add all the slaw ingredients in a large bowl.  Then the dressing ingredients.  Mix well until all is coated.

When added the dressing (yes I made it in a separate bowl, which is fine if you'd like to do that) and felt like it wasn't going to be enough.  However, it was plenty!!!  If you like more, simply add more.  Although, you want to be careful on the mayo... That stuff will get you all the time!  HAHA! 



Whole Wheat Protein Pancakes

These little delicious healthy versions of the classic flapjacks are fantastic!  It was a recipe I created myself.  So, I may be editing this often and I am open to suggestion.  So, welcome are your suggestions and advice! 

The reason I created a healthier version of the quintessential breakfast food is because for years I chose French Toast over pancakes; I felt it was healthier than their cousin "THE PANCAKE."  But, both are equally as nutritionally not sound as the other.  They are not horrible, but nor are they sometime to consume regularly.  So, I researched and came up with my own version...

Why whole wheat?  Simply because it's better for you!  It's nutritional value outweighs that of white flour any day!  So, when a recipe calls for "flour" choose WHOLE WHEAT.  And, your choice should include the word: 100%.  Most whole wheat flours that do not indicate 100% Whole Wheat only contain about 60% whole wheat and the most important ingredients are left out; the bran and wheat germ of the flour. 

When you consume whole wheat (in any form) you are helping to lower your chances of weight gain, thus maintaining a good and healthy weight.  Latest studies reveal that: "Refined grains and the foods made from them (e.g., white breads, cookies, pastries, pasta and rice) are now being linked not only to weight gain but to increased risk of insulin resistance (the precursor of type 2 diabetes) and the metabolic syndrome (a strong predictor of both type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease)."  Good news is that by eating more whole grain foods (such as whole wheat) can protect against all the above mentioned disease.  It's about time we all indulge in some "GOOD CARBS" and get our whole wheat and whole grain on!

You can start by consuming it in ways you might not have thought of before.  I made Whole Wheat Protein Pancakes... Mmm, Mmm! 

Serving size: SMALL flapjacks
Serves: 2-3

1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 tbsp Flaxseed meal
1/2 scoop protein powder (Vanilla is the only way to go here...)
1 tsp cinnamon
2 tbsp Club Soda (make sure it's fizzy!!!)
4 egg whites
1/4 cup of almond milk
1 tbsp nonfat, plain Greek yogurt

- Heat pan or griddle to medium high heat
- While pan is heating up, mix all dry ingredients in a medium mixing bowl
- Add egg whites
- Slowly add milk, yogurt, and soda
- Make sure not to "over mix" unless you like tough and chewy flapjacks..,. HAHA!
- Now for some cooking... Use a non-stick spray or a TINY amount of butter (not margarine)
- Cook each side until golden brown and center is NOT gooey

That's it.  Top with some honey, or yogurt, or favorite fruit! 

Pretty simple... and can be modified... If you feel the batter is to thick simply add a little Club Soda and/or milk.. It's that simple.  Now, go get your breakfast on!  =)