Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Beautiful Skin via Eating Well

Eating good, clean foods are not just beneficial for your physique.  Your skin can also benefit from it, as well!  It's amazing that so many foods can help reduce wrinkles, improve your skin's luminosity and radiance, and help to prevent acne.  I've been doing some research and have found that there are some great eats out there!  You should definitely include these skin-tastic foods in your daily food intake... So, without further or do, the Skin-tastic Foods you've been on the edge of your seat waiting for...

Those pesky wrinkles, crow's feet, smile lines, sun damage; all suck!  We know this.  To prevent from the inside out try these tricks:

  • Eat more PEPPERS!  Studies show that woman who eat yellow, orange, and green veggies tend to have less wrinkles around the eye.  Peppers are a great way to get your colors in your diet!  Try sprinkling some julienned green and yellow peppers in a salad!  Or saute some peppers with your zucchini.  Or saute with some onions and turkey sausage for a zesty dinner!  Mmm, hungry yet?!
  • GREEK YOGURT time!  Eating dairy proteins can help make your skin firmer.  No joke!  And, Greek yogurt has double or more amounts of protein than normal yogurt and less sugar... especially the nonfat\, plain version.  How can you eat this rather plain food?  Make a protein shake!  Add 1 cup nonfat, plain Greek yogurt + 1/2 cup frozen mixed berries + 1 banana + 1 orange (juiced!!!).  Add to blender.  Blend until smooth.  Then drink!  Or add some to your salad with some EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil), Balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper... viola!  Greek dressing!  Or simply add 1 tsp - 1 tbsp of honey (to your sweetness meter's delight) to the yogurt.
  • This breakfast item can definitely help you look younger... OATMEAL!  I use steel cut because it is less processed and Bob's Red Mill makes an amazing version of this!  Oatmeal takes longer to breakdown in your body than other breakfast items which helps to keep your insulin levels stable; otherwise elevated insulin levels can release androgens which are hormones that are contributed to wrinkles.  And, us woman know that this is NO GOOD... so get a bowl in at least twice or three times a week.  Plus, oatmeal has been proven to lower your cholesterol.  A two for oner! 
  • Get the water boiling because GREEN TEA treats inflammation and helps to calm redness when topically applied.  When ingested, it does that same thing!  Plus, it has a very powerful polyphenol antioxidant (ECGG) which has been PROVEN to reduce redness.  Awesome!  Best way to get this in your diet, drink at least 1 cup every day. 
  • Another power polyphenol POMEGRANATES help to regulate blood flow and fight free radicals (like your previously mentioned friend, Green Tea).  You can eat them or try pomegranate juice, about two or three glasses of day is sufficient enough.  When topically applied it can be an excellent moisturizer and line smoother! 
  • WALNUT time!  Eat more walnuts!  Walnuts can improve your skin's elasticity due to it;s omega-3 fatty acids.  Walnuts also contain copper; a mineral proven to boost collagen production.  So, improve your skin's texture by eating a handful a day (approx. 10-15 pieces). 
  • For you SUNFLOWER SEED lovers, go for it!  Sunflowers seeds are an excellent source of Vitamin E!  Eating them can help protect your skin's top layers (epidermis) due to its high content of essential-fatty-acids!  Eat a handful a day... and topically, sunflower seed oil can treat dry areas of your body.  Aim for your elbows, knees, heals, even lips! 
  • EDAMAME!  SOY MILK!  SOY LATTES!  Soy, soy, soy!  Soy is known to help people maintain a clearer complexion, according to studies.  Soy beans have been proven to lessen hyperpigmentation (which is the darkening of your skin).  Eat a cup a day to see best results.  So, however you want to consume it, do it!  It definitely can help reduce sun spots when topically applied.  I eat edamame all the time and Trader Joe's has a few different varieties.  All of which are delicious and can satisfy your soy needs. 
  • This next food you are probably already how great it is to eat!  DARK CHOCOLATE!  I love dark chocolate.  It goes well with orange slices, raspberries, yogurt, low-fat ice cream or forzen yogurt, or even by its lonesome.  Eating a couple squares of this delight can help hydrate your skin.  By hydrating your skin you will actually help to make it firmer!  Now, who doesn't want firmer skin!?!  The percentage of cacao you should aim for is 70% or more to get the most flavonol content possible.  Flavonol is are part of the flavonoid group of phytonutrients (a group of chemical compounds naturally occurring in plants.  They have many health benefits).  Eat up ladies and gents!
  • Ok, last but not least get rid of those pesky pimples by eating KIDNEY BEANS!  Kidney beans contain high levels of zinc.  Low level of zinc can cause blemishes, according to studies.  For every ounce of kidney beans you eat, you are helping your face stear clear of those pesky pimples.  You can eat them alone or toss them in a salad or a wrap.  Go for the dark red as they have higher levels of antioxidants. 
Those were just a few great eats.  You can snack on  most of these and include everything in a recipe some how, so way!  Cheers to good, clean food!  Print this out for a handy dandy guide... or pass it on. 

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