Monday, February 27, 2012


Spinach is a superfood people!  Loaded with tons of nutrients and readily available everywhere!  You can't go wrong with spinach.  I try to incorporate spinach in my health regimen everyday!  Yes, everyday!  And, so should you.  I hope after you read this that you will try and eat spinach everyday... EVERYDAY!

A few things you should be aware of prior to just chomping this fantastic food everyday:

- There is such a thing as being allergic to spinach, so make sure you are not one of those candidates! 

- People who are prone to having gout should steer clear of this superfood... the purines (a colourless crystalline solid that can be prepared from uric acid) may be affected by spinach. 

- BUY ORGANIC... what's an extra 20 -30 cents!?!  This stuff can be riddled with chemicals or worse!  SO, buy organic!

- Eating large amounts of spinach may interfere with your absorption of calcium... so eat in moderation if you are calcium deficient or have bladder or kidney problems. 

Spinach is considered a "leafy green" vegetable and the FDA (FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION)
indicates that we should each have 2 1/2 cup of vegetables a day.  At minimum, FDA requires 2 cups of veggies a day.  How much is a serving?  A serving according to the FDA is 1/2 cup.  So, that's FOUR 1/2 cup servings a day... MINIMUM, and FIVE 1/2 cup servings a day if you do it the right way.  That sounds like a lot to eat, but here's the catch... YOU CAN EAT AS MANY VEGETABLES as you want due to their LOW caloric rate.  Now, this doesn't mean you can gorge on carrot sticks and ranch dressing.  No, this means if you want nine servings of celery then go for it... or nine servings of veggies... raw or steamed, GO FOR IT! 

Now, back to my favorite leafy green... Spinach. 

Spinach has numerous fantastic qualities, like myself (hahahahahaha).  Spinach is a rich source of minerals, vitamins, pigments, and phytonutrients.  Here's the breakdown:  EXCELLENT source of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and B2, viatmin E, copper, potassium, magnesium, maganese, folate, calcium, iron, zinc.  It's a fantastic source of dietary fiber.  It's also a good source of niacin, selenium, and omega-3 fatty acids.  This wonder food is full of beta carotene, lutein, xanthene, and chlorophyllin.  What the hell is all this and why do you care? 

You care because all these great things contained in spinach help your health; your heart health especially!  YES, eating spinach can greatly increase your cardiovascular health in a gooooooood way.  Eating your spinach can also help the body to eliminate free radicals in your body.  In addition, consuming spinach can help lower your blood pressure!  It also helps protect your body from harmful UV rays.  I'm sold... I am eating this veggie everyday! 

What else?!  It can help to get your insides (your gastrointestional insides) moving!  Check this out: The beta-carotene and vitamin C work to protect the cells of the body’s colon from the harmful effects of free radicals.  And, due to it's high fiber content, it helps things move smoothly.

Spinach is a great food to eat to reduce inflammation, as well.  It has been linked to reducing migraine headaches, asthma, arthritis, osteoporosis.  Spinach also is known for being neurologically beneficial due to  potassium, folate, and various antioxidants.  Eat spinach to help reduce your chances of Alzheimer's Disease. 

If you are pregnant or breast feeding, this can definitely be beneficial!  Folate (like I mentioned  above) is needed by the growing fetus for proper development of new nervous system. Birth defects such as cleft palate or spina bifida may occur due to deficiency of folate... and as you know by now, spinach possesses tons of folate!  The vitamin A in spinach should be consumed by the pregnant mother. Vitamin A is required in proper lung development of fetus and during breast feeding.  So eat, eat, eat!!!

I could go on and on about the benefits of spinach...  But, these main benefits are what you need to know.  Don't forget, it helps to build strong muscles, like POP-EYE! 

So, eat them leafy greens today and for delicious recipes STAY TUNED...

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