Monday, January 30, 2012

Food for a Good Mood

We all feel lousy from time to time due to our mood.  We all have fluctuating moods from time to time.  Some of us feel cranky, others feel elated, then there are some who feel sad and down in the dumps!  I have had the lovely pleasure of experiencing ALL those moods often enough to research food and mood.  My research has lead to me to believe that there are some wonderful mood boosting benefits to eating good mood foods... and ALL encompass a clean eating lifestyle.  So, here we go briefly...

Foods that boost your mood are foods that boost your serotonin levels.  Serotonin is a chemical naturally found in our brains and body that regulate happiness (YAY!) and concentration.  Messing with these levels can have a profound effect on your mood, ability to sleep, ability to concentrate, your appetite, your memory, muscle function, and heart maintenance.  See how important it is to maintain these appropriate levels of serotonin?  You can do that by eating certain foods such as: 

- Bananas
- Pineapple
- Dark Chocolate (Mmm... I LOVE MY DARK CHOCOLATE!)
- Spinach
- Tofu
- Cottage Cheese
- Asparagus
- Sunflower Seeds
- Salmon
- Turkey

So, be sure to incorporate more of these mood boosting foods into your diet.  I will be posting recipes during this week that will coincide with this post, so keep your eyes peeled.  Even if you don't like some of these foods, remain open minded and try them again... just so you can say without conviction that you are not a fan.  Haha! 

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