Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Gym vs. ME!

The gym was rough today. However, I had to continue to tell myself, "I am not going to quit, I'm not going to give up, just a few more reps and I can rest." I pulled through with MUCH convincing on my part and did it! ALL OF ME didn't want to work out... Not today, not at all... I can't explain why, but I just didn't want to. However, once I pulled through I felt like a rockstar! Next time you are undeniably not into your workout and want to run out of the gym, DON'T! Talk yourself through it. Tell yourself you can finish your set, your reps, your workout. Tell yourself you are going to feel so good about completing your set, your reps, your workout. YOU ARE IN CHARGE and YOU WILL FINISH* because you can, because YOU HAVE! It might take you longer, but just do it! ;)

*If you are feeling dizziness, shortness of breath, that's cause for stopping... obviously, DO NOT continue.

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