Monday, January 30, 2012

Times Have Changed!

Yes, times have changed.  It's a concept that is not that hard to grasp.  However, do we eat like times have changed?  Some of us have changed our ways, some of us are still eating like we did when Mom and Pops were cooking our meals.  I am 31 years old.  My parents are only 22 years older than I.  When I was growing up I remember eating a meal that was proportioned like this:  Protein being the center piece, a pasta or rice side dish being the second of importance, and a vegetable as the third on the dish; having the littlest portion of all. 

I was preparing dinner tonight when I noticed I do not have the same "idea" of dinner as my parents do.  I was looking at my vegetables that I prepped thinking, "Goodness, will that be enough?"  What prompted me to think that was I EAT A LOT OF VEGGIES in comparison to my protein at dinner.  And, I believe times have changed from when I was a child and that this new proportions for dinner is NOW the new way of eating.  My basic advice, EAT MORE VEGGIES!  Let the veggies be your center piece!

Eating large, heaping portions of meat or chicken doesn't seem to be the priority for me any longer.  I have noticed this amongst other people, too.  Further research reveals even our food pyramid is looking different from when I was a kid... OF COURSE, because times have changed! 

Out with the oversized portion of meatloaf and in with the over abundance of fresh cooked veggies!  I am not dissing my parents or others way of eating, I just feel this is the healthier sign of times... and a necessary component to living longer and healthier.  Nothing wrong with meatloaf, but it shouldn't be your center piece of your plate. 

Have any of you had a similar experience growing up?  Was your dinners similar to mine; big portions of meat and a pasta/rice side dish, accompanied by a veggie?  Let me know! 

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