Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Skinny Fat...

Skinny fat... That's me!  As of right now, I am not nearly as toned as I'd like to be or was.  I am flabby and giggle in places where I should not be giggling.  I am discontent with the way I look in the mirror and it now has an effect on the way I feel and my attitude towards people.  I feel sad, unhappy, angry, disgusted.  However, I can't let this get the best of me.  No way!

Skinny fat is when you appear skinny and lean on the outside, but underneath those layers of clothing you lack tone and muscle definition which is exactly how I feel and look.  No one can convince me otherwise.  Everyone has their insecurities and mine is not being as toned as I normally am. 

Solution:  BE MORE ACTIVE!  Yes, that's right I have avoided the gym for the last month.  My excuse: I used excuses!  No more excuses allowed here.  Not for me, at least.  I am determined to get back my toned and defined physique by the end of April.  My bikini bod awaits me! 

I won't be perfect by the end of April.  However, I will have formed a habit that will now transcend me into SERIOUS WORKOUT MODE!  I will not use any excuses, I will not skip the gym (unless I have a HOT date or my nephew needs some TLC from me...), I will eat cleaner than ever, and I will not let my mind get the best of my ME time which used to mostly be spent in the gym. 

So, let's begin this adventure together!  If you have been feeling the same as I have or need just a little extra push, then let's go!  I can't let you or myself down.  This is a matter of extending life and prolonging happiness.  I want both!  It's quite the commitment (don't be scared).  BUT WORTH IT!

My promise to you (the reader) and myself is to: 1) Be more active!  At least 30 minutes of some form of physical activity everyday.  Whether it be cardio, strength training, playing with the dogs, running sprints, sex (for a half hour... hmm), JUST DO IT!  2) Stay on the regimen!  No steering clear... no avoiding it, no excuses!  3) Eating cleaner than ever!  Shape up that food intake and you'll be shaping up that hot beach bod in no time!  4) Having a positive, happy disposition regarding exercise.  Make it fun, make it enjoyable however you can!  Dance as you walk the treadmill (although CAREFUL doing this), do walking lunges to your favorite 80's songs, jump rope like you are 10 years old again... Just have fun and be motivated each and everyday. 

I am starting TODAY... JOIN ME!  Let's get this done and learn from the past... whatever your past may be; not exercising, slacking off, not eating right... who cares!  Now is today and today you are starting over!  There is no tomorrow because tomorrow always becomes the next day and the next day and so on! 

Let's go people!  What are doing reading this... get off the computer or your mobile device and get active with me!  I don't want to be skinny fat anymore... so let's go and workout!  CHEERS!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Cellulite... Eww! Coffee Grinds... huh?

One day in band camp... KIDDING... Although, it was one day I was reading the ingredients on the packaging of anti-cellulite creams and serums, along with toning lotions noticing a very common ingredient: caffeine.  In fact, it is the most commonly used ingredient in creams, lotions, etc.  

First, let's get down to the nitty gritty: What is cellulite?  Cellulite (a daunting and dreadful word) is when your skin fat deposits are visible just below the surface of the skin which gives a dimpled like appearance (you've heard the term cottage cheese legs and if you haven't where have you been?).  You can find this one of a kind "look" commonly on the abdomen, legs, buttocks, limbs, and pelvic region.  You can develop cellulite at any age because of your diet... Your food and beverage intake effects EVERTHING, see told ya so!  80% of a beautiful bod is nutrition (and yes, I will repeat that often so get used to it, haha). 

There are numerous factors that play a role in the cellulite show.  It's not quite understood why men aren't blessed with this as much as woman however, there are some theories as to why anyone can have it or could achieve it (which I am sure NONE of you are trying to do).  Being a woman is a cause of cellulite, believe it or not.  However, scientifically genetics are a cause of cellulite.  Studies have shown cellulite can be passed down via our genes... so which grandparent do I get to send a Thank You card to this week... hmm.  The reason genetics may be causing the back of your legs or stomach to look like orange peels is due to factors such as race, rate of metabolism, how your body distributes fat, your body's ability or inability to circulate fat properly.   

But, you can't just blame genetics as you sit on your couch watching The View and eating chocolate donuts all morning.  Another reason why we may develop cellulite is like I mentioned above, YOUR DIET, YOUR FOOD INTAKE, WHAT YOU EAT.  I'm telling you nutrition is 80%. Memorize it!  If you are consuming high amounts of fat, salt, or carbs then you are most likely to have more than just a little cellulite.  Too little fiber in your diet can be a factor, as well.  So... EAT BETTER, EAT CLEAN.  

Your lifestyle may be your down fall to the cellulite gods.  They do have a lot of power.  If you smoke cigarettes, don't exercise enough, stand or sit in one position all day, don't hydrate properly then you are more likely to be flashing the cottage cheese thighs.  Hey, I made that fashion mistake numerous times!  

Some studies have concluded that binding or tight clothes can stifle circulation and cause cellulite to form.  But, through a lot of just thinking to myself (I have limited friends... haha) and some diligent research I found a way in addition to eating clean and regular sweaty exercise to lessen the appearance of cellulite and to help rid it away.  

So, back to the packaging ingredients I was looking at on today's most sought after and economical anti-cellulite creams, I found that CAFFEINE was the most commonly used ingredient... Along with a bunch of other long words with numerous vowels which were impossible to pronounce.  So why CAFFEINE???  Why not caffeine!!!

Caffeine is a stimulant.  It's also a vasodilator (vas-o-di-lator) which can aide in opening up your blood vessels to reduce the amount of fat cells that could otherwise build up there.  When you your blood flows through your body without any "traffic" you are helping to naturally remove toxins and flush them bad boys (fat cells) bye-bye!

So, I admit.  I pondered whether to purchase this $14 cream I had in my hand knowing it contains a load of caffeine... just for a minute.  Truthfully, I've purchased these sticky, smelly creams before.   But, right before I tossed the bottle into the shopping cart I told myself, "NO!  Why not try rubbing this mornings coffee grinds on my skin!?"  Yes... I convinced myself I will be cheap (or cost efficient) and rub cold coffee grinds straight from the press or filter.  As I laughed hysterically at myself knowing if anyone were watching, they'd be laughing... I picked up a Woman's Day magazine and sure as Sherlock they suggested the very same cost efficient method of cellulite reduction as I was doing at that VERY EXACT TIME!  I gasped in amazement, because I was starting to believe I was doing this all in the name of trial and error or uhh, science... But, if done properly you can reduce the appearance of your dimpley dimples.  

Make sure your grinds have cooled off.  I did this at night... because it will TEMPORARILY leave your skin brown (from the grinds). Massage the grinds vigorously in a circle motion, upward and let them sit there for 10-15 minutes, like you would a facial mask.  Then rinse them off in which ever way you fancy.  It won't CURE your cellulite, so don't be fooled by that.  Cellulite is from within... so this is just a topical aide that is inexpensive and readily available from your morning cup o' joe!  Also, lay down towels and sit/lay on towels with this concoction on so you don't ruin carpet, rugs, bedding, clothes, etc.  

Have fun! 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Coffee with a Twist!

Today's coffee was amazing!  I use a French press and it's quite great, but I put a twist in there.  I added my normal excessive amount of Starbuck's coffee grounds, boiled water, and as I was boiling that water I remembered how great it was to taste spice in my coffee.  So, I added 1 tsp of cinnamon, a dash of  nutmeg and ground ginger, and a few coriander balls... (don't laugh, haha).  Then, I added my boiling water and let it sit for four minutes, then served it up. 

Cinnamon is a great antioxidant, as is coffee.  In ancient Chinese days, cinnamon was used to treat colds, reduce menstrual cramps, gas, nausea, and diarrhea.  It is perfect for lowering bad cholesterol, according to recent studies.  Studies have also shown that smelling cinnamon can boost cognitive function and memory.  Try smelling before tossing in the French press... Also, cinnamon is a good source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.  Be careful!  There are side effects to cinnamon and often have anti-blood clotting qualities.  So, if you are on meds check the side effects first! 

Nutmeg may increase your sexual desire!  No joke!  So, sprinkle it in your coffee grounds!  Nutmeg is also great for soothing stomach aches. 

Ginger is also great for soothing tummy aches.  It also helps with morning sickness... However, if you are pregnant you should ask your physician first about drinking coffee.  It can prevent colds and the flu!  It can also help with migraines and menstrual cramps!  Use this in combo with the cinnamon (LADIES) at that time of the month...

Coriander is another great herb... known as cilantro, but as a seed it can be placed in coffee grounds.  Coriander can reduce swelling, high cholesterol levels, mouth ulcers, anemia, digestion, diarrhea, menstrual disorders, and can aide in helping eye care!

Drink up ladies AND gents!  Nothing like making the best out of what you eat... and as always, read on the side effects prior to just adding away.  Cheers! 

Lunch Date with Tuna Salad Sandwich... Mmm, Mmm!

Today's lunch was most satisfying. I am soooo full and it's 3:00 PM. I ate a delicious homemade, clean eating tuna fish salad sandwich on whole grain bread (from Costco... surprisingly... no HFCS). How did I spruce up this rather boring canned meal!?!

Here's the recipe:

1-7oz can of albacore solid white or chunk light tuna (any brand) drained and rinsed with water... most are canned in vege...table or chicken broth which will add sodium to the mix... lots of it.
1/4 small red onion diced
1 to 2 medium celery stalk(s) diced*
salt, pepper to taste
1 tsp EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
1 to 2 tsp of LIGHT mayo (not exactly clean, but you can omit)*
1/2 to 1 tsp balsamic vinegar*

sliced tomatoes to fit your bread
sliced avocado to fit your bread
handful of spinach

MIX THE TUNA well with the other ingredients, except for the sliced toms, avo, and spinach. Once well mixed, arrange the tomatoes on one slice of bread and the avocado on the other slice. Place half the tuna salad on one slice and the spinach on the other. Put together and you're done!

*Everyone has a different palate. Some like drier tuna, so like more moist tuna. So, dress according to your taste buds. But, less is more with the mayo!