Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Skinny Fat...

Skinny fat... That's me!  As of right now, I am not nearly as toned as I'd like to be or was.  I am flabby and giggle in places where I should not be giggling.  I am discontent with the way I look in the mirror and it now has an effect on the way I feel and my attitude towards people.  I feel sad, unhappy, angry, disgusted.  However, I can't let this get the best of me.  No way!

Skinny fat is when you appear skinny and lean on the outside, but underneath those layers of clothing you lack tone and muscle definition which is exactly how I feel and look.  No one can convince me otherwise.  Everyone has their insecurities and mine is not being as toned as I normally am. 

Solution:  BE MORE ACTIVE!  Yes, that's right I have avoided the gym for the last month.  My excuse: I used excuses!  No more excuses allowed here.  Not for me, at least.  I am determined to get back my toned and defined physique by the end of April.  My bikini bod awaits me! 

I won't be perfect by the end of April.  However, I will have formed a habit that will now transcend me into SERIOUS WORKOUT MODE!  I will not use any excuses, I will not skip the gym (unless I have a HOT date or my nephew needs some TLC from me...), I will eat cleaner than ever, and I will not let my mind get the best of my ME time which used to mostly be spent in the gym. 

So, let's begin this adventure together!  If you have been feeling the same as I have or need just a little extra push, then let's go!  I can't let you or myself down.  This is a matter of extending life and prolonging happiness.  I want both!  It's quite the commitment (don't be scared).  BUT WORTH IT!

My promise to you (the reader) and myself is to: 1) Be more active!  At least 30 minutes of some form of physical activity everyday.  Whether it be cardio, strength training, playing with the dogs, running sprints, sex (for a half hour... hmm), JUST DO IT!  2) Stay on the regimen!  No steering clear... no avoiding it, no excuses!  3) Eating cleaner than ever!  Shape up that food intake and you'll be shaping up that hot beach bod in no time!  4) Having a positive, happy disposition regarding exercise.  Make it fun, make it enjoyable however you can!  Dance as you walk the treadmill (although CAREFUL doing this), do walking lunges to your favorite 80's songs, jump rope like you are 10 years old again... Just have fun and be motivated each and everyday. 

I am starting TODAY... JOIN ME!  Let's get this done and learn from the past... whatever your past may be; not exercising, slacking off, not eating right... who cares!  Now is today and today you are starting over!  There is no tomorrow because tomorrow always becomes the next day and the next day and so on! 

Let's go people!  What are doing reading this... get off the computer or your mobile device and get active with me!  I don't want to be skinny fat anymore... so let's go and workout!  CHEERS!

1 comment:

  1. Cortney! This blog post gives me just the type of motivation i need. I am also in that same "skinny fat" outlook on my body and i just NEED to get back into my workout routine and better eating habits. good luck to you! :]
