Monday, April 2, 2012

The At-Home Butt Workout!

As promised, here are some at-home rockin' butt workout routines that anyone can do!  This doesn't require weights or the gym.  You just need the determination and the desire to want a beautiful physqiue!  AND WHO WOULDN'T WANT THAT! 

If you haven't been working out recently or have never worked out, please ask your physician prior to any physical activity if you are well enough to do these exercises or have them modify the sets and reps!  I don't want anyone injuring themselves or possibly harming themselves! 

I am posting two clips courtesy of Harley Pasternak, as seen on The Revolution.  The reason why I am posting his workouts is: 1)  He a celebrity trainer... trains the stars PEOPLE.  So, he is not only certified and beyond qualified, he is a great motivator!  Plus, he will help you with your form.  2) I am not a certified personal trainer and although in the near future I will post video/photo footage of my routine, for now follow Harley.  3) FORM... again I cannot stress this enough.  Correct form is more important than people realize.  It's more important than the amount of reps; when you begin to fatigue (get tired), form tends to suffer.  When you get to this point, reduce your reps and watch your form carefully to make sure you are doing the exercise correctly.  If you are performing an exercise with poor form you are likely to injure yourself and that's NOT the point of exercise. 

Now, time for the workout.  Watch these videos carefully then get ready to perform them in 2-3 sets of  15-20 reps... with good form!!!  The exercises Harley performs are:

  • Mule Kick
  • Reverse Lunge
  • Skater Lunge
  • Bench Step-Up
  • Single Leg Dead Lift


Thanks for reading!  Cheers!

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