Friday, April 13, 2012

Breakfast Never Looked So Good - REVISED...

My apologies!  I posted a blog before I was finished proof reading it.  So, here's the skinny on breakfast... AND, a recipe!!!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Without a well-balanced breakfast to start you off right in the morning, you are depriving yourself of much needed calories and energy. After sleeping at least 6 to 8 hours a night, your body is seeking much needed nourishment. That's where breakfast comes to save the day! And, boy does it ever!

Studies have shown if you skip breakfast you are more likely to consume more calories during the day... How so? EASILY... because you become SO hungry, that you most likely grab the fastest, most convenient thing to eat which is a bagel with cream cheese, a candy bar, donut, chips, ALL of which are loaded with empty calories, an excessive amount of sugar, and too many calories for what little nutrition they possess, if any. That sets you off to make poor eating decisions all day... STUDIES HAVE SHOWN and the overwhelming amount of people who follow this exact path had me in shock. I always have loved breakfast and now I love it even more since I know it's the START of any great day! We all know how important great days are!

Breakfast can be difficult to accomplish since a lot of people don't want to give up 20 minutes of sleep to make a delicious, healthy, MUCH needed breakfast. However, you have to think of it as NOT losing sleep. You have to ask yourself if it's worth sacrificing good eating habits and proper food selection? Not at all. So make it a habit and go to bed 20 minutes earlier to avoid feeling like you are missing out on sleep, if you are that worried about it. Make time for YOU and enjoy breakfast while gaining peace of mind knowing you are providing your body with fuel, as well as your brain and with the proper fueling for your brain you are able to stay more focused, sharper, thus more efficient at work or school.

Here's a quick, easy, DELICIOUS breakfast you can make within 20 minutes or less and have time to eat it, as well! It's super heart healthy, high in fiber, and protein.


Servings: 4


4 7 to 8-inch wheat flour tortillas (I use Trader Joe's Organic Wheat Flour and Corn Tortillas)
1 tablespoon EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
1 15-oz can of black beans, drained
1/2 cup of water
1/2 teaspoon salt, divided
4 large eggs
4 large egg whites
1/4 cup low-fat milk
1/3 cup minced onions (white or yellow will suffice)
3 tablespoons of finely chopped cilantro
4 tablespoons of non-fat, plain Greek yogurt (one tablespoon per person)
1 medium to large avocado sliced to garnish
HOT SAUCE, I prefer Siracha!!!

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure to place one or the rack in the middle of the oven. Place tortillas on the racks directly for 10-15 minutes depending on how crispy you want your tortillas. Turn them over half way through!!!

While the torts in the oven getting crispy, get out a medium to large saucepan, add the drained beans and water over medium to medium high heat.

 Begin stirring and keep a close eye on not to burn the bottom of the mixture. Once it starts to bubble, add 1/4 teaspoon salt and reduce heat to low. With a potato masher or large fork, mash the beans and water until it's the consistency of a chunky paste... Or like traditional refried beans. Remove from heat and cover.

Heat the oil over medium heat in a large sauce pan. Once heated, add onions and saute until translucent.  While that is happening, beat eggs, egg whites, and milk a large mixing bowl. Add the egg mixture to the pan with the onions. Add remaining salt. Fold and stir your eggs gently and frequently until set (firm and not runny) which is about 3 minutes. If you prefer them more done, simply cook them a little longer.

The tostadas should be crispy and ready to roll at this point. Take out of the oven and place on plates.

TO ASSEMBLE THESE BAD BOYS, all you have to do is spread each tortilla with the bean mixture. Then top with eggs. After that, top the eggs with the nonfat, plain Greek yogurt. Add the avocado and cilantro for garnish. DONE!

Eat and be merry! Also, it doesn't hurt to choose your favorite hot sauce to accompany this delicious delight! =)

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