Monday, April 9, 2012

Today's Workout

Oh as much as I didn't feel like working out, I pushed myself to do so anyways!  Contemplating whether to workout or not doesn't burn as many calories as ACTUALLY getting your butt up and getting busy!  That's when I decided I will workout and burn some cals, especially after yesterday's food fest! 

I did abs, legs, and buns today.  Tomorrow, I will be either running if it's nice out or arms if it's cloudy, cold, and raining.  Yes, I have to plan my workouts accordingly.  I'm not about to miss the limited sunshine I get... I'm taking full advantage. 

Back to the subject at hand, TODAY'S WORKOUT!  Here it is:

- Sit ups (traditional ol' sit ups!) 25 reps, 3 sets
- Cherry Pickers 30 reps (which is 15 for each side I figure), 3 sets
- Bicycle Crunches 20 reps (10 each side), 3 sets
(picture courtesy of

Then for the legs/buns:

- Squats with two 5 lb weights 15 reps, 3 sets
- Calf Raises with two 5 lb weights 30 reps, 3 sets
- Walking Lunges 26 steps, 3 sets
- Mule Kicks 15 each leg, 3 sets

(picture courtesy of

That was it for today!  These are great starter moves, also intermediate moves.  You should not workout or try any part this exercise regimen I have suggested, unless you have spoken to your physician about exercising and are clear to do so. 

Also, for form and technique try googling these exercise.  I highly recommend it.  In the very near future I will be demonstrating these moves myself.  I can't wait for that!  Until then, remember these moves, research them, be careful, and start moving!   =)

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