Thursday, April 12, 2012

Not Feeling It Today...

I was definitely not in the "workout" mood today.  I procrastinated as long as I could.  I gave myself a few excuses.  Then, I finally told myself, "Hey lazy butt!  Your body isn't going to miraculously whip itself into shape!"  So, I got up and devised a quick yet nonstop circuit of at-home-exercises using no weights just my body weight (which has slimmed down 3 lbs. since I started on April 1st...)!  If I can convince myself to get up and get moving, so can you!  And, if not I am here to say, "GET UP!  GET MOVING!"

My workout was quick, like I mentioned.  And, again I didn't stop.  I took 5 seconds in between each exercise and that's it... if that.  If you have a yoga mat, use it.  If not, find a large area rug that doesn't move around or a spot on your carpet (hopefully it's clean... haha, I'm kidding). 

First move of my workout, JUMPING JACKS.  I did 50 whole-hearted jumping jacks.  After that, I threw down the mat and did 12 complete push-ups (if you can't do the real ones, use your knees and dip down... your knees will help to make this exercise easier).  After that, I flipped around and did 30 bicycle crunches.  Followed by 20 regular sit-ups.  Then, move the mat away (or rug, if you are using one) and begin doing 20 squats.  Make sure your legs are shoulder width apart and you are driving your heels into the ground as you raise back up into standing position.  AND, THAT WAS IT!  I repeated everything three times and I was done.  I usually like to sweat and do much more, but I was having an off day I suppose which I am going to combat.  Once I get some sneaky ways to beat procrastination and distractions... along with negativity I will share. 

Workout at home using this circuit:

50- Jumping jacks (use good form and don't half ass these!)
12- push-ups (use your knees if need be)
30- bicycle crunches
20- sit-ups (if your neck begins to ache, you are doing it wrong... so just remember lift your torso up with your stomach and really focus on what muscle you are working)
20- squats (legs shoulder width apart, plant those feet and raise up using your heels)

REPEAT THREE TIMES... for the ultimate workout repeat four times!!!  I think I will do another round right now!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is great!! I's awesome to hear you pushed through!

    I am interested in the ways you beat procrastination, distractions, and negativity! I think that's an important secret for everyone! I look forward to hearing more tips and tricks!

    Killer work out btw.
