Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What's New for This Girl

Well, Friday has come and gone.  I was supposed to post what will be new everyday for Who's That Girl?!  However, I am back and ready to reveal what's new, what's hot, and what you can do to be a better, healthier, happier you! 

I have designated certain days to discuss and inform you all on the subjects I feel most important, yet easy to follow and will ultimately benefit each and everyone of you!  I care about YOU.  I care about YOUR happiness, YOUR health, YOUR well-being.  If you are not happy with yourself than other aspects of your life begin to suffer.  Most times it's your diet that begins to suffer first.  It's a lot easier to eat a cookie or bowl of ice cream than it is to deal with life's sometimes crucial issues.  So for YOU, the reader and my support system, I dedicate theses days to you:

Superfood of the Week

I will be informing you, in depth, of what superfood you should incorporate into your clean eating consumption... if you haven't already.  You'll either love it and try it, or cringe and complain.  Eventually, after I endlessly emphasize it's nutritional benefits YOU'LL TRY IT!!! Haha.

Smart Snacking

This is a blog post entirely dedicated to the art of smart snacking.  There are numerous snacks which you can consume and yet not feel guilty about it.  I will provide you with the most nutritious snacks... and then it's up to you whether you like them or not... I have a feeling you'll enjoy them!

The Active You

Working out can become mundane after time.  You may even feel that your routine is stagnate and stall like a box of unwrapped whole wheat saltines.  That's why educating yourself and learning new moves or activities will rev up your body and introduce you to something new.  How much jumping rope can you stand?!  I know I get bored easily at times.  So, I try and switch it up with activities or moves that you wouldn't normally consider... But, now you will! 

Meal of the Week

Everyone needs, at some point, to revamp their personal menu.  By that, I mean reinvent or invent a new meal that you and guests alike (family, friends, co-workers) will enjoy.  More importantly, you know what your making is good for you and others!  My attempt is to get your taste buds flowing through clean eating meals.  I will feature breakfast one week, lunch another week, dinner another week.  Sometimes I might feature a meal two weeks in a row.  You'll enjoy Thursdays for more reasons than just it being that much closer to the weekend. ;-)

Sweet Treats

This is for all you SWEET junkies out there!  But, the twist is, I'm going to make them healthy!  JUST FOR YOU!  This was not an idea of my own.  I have to give thanks and acknowledgement to my wonderful, creative sister Lindsay who always comes in handy when I need to be creative.  Her help with Sweet Treats the clean way will be a hit amongst us all!  I wonder if her craftiness, design oriented mind, and ability to make the ordinary into extraordinary is what makes her an asset in not only my world, but the world of design and party planning... hmm, maybe... ANYWAYS, she inspired my Friday blogs.  She should really be the one blogging about this!!!  Stay tuned for healthy versions of decadent cupcakes, muffins, cookies, ice cream... and whatever is sweet and I am able to find a healthier version. 

Shopping Cart Essentials

Can you guess what I might be blogging about on Saturdays?!  Haha, ways to make that grocery cart look like a produce stand rather than the nabisco cookie dream team!  Most people happen to shop on the weekends after a full work week.  And, even if you don't you can still utilize this information to grocery shop at anytime! 


So, that's the big announcement I am sure you all have been diligently waiting for!  HAHAHAHAHA!  Now, I will continue to provide you with motivational tips, random recipes, tips here and there.  I want YOU to use the tools and knowledge I am giving you to be a HAPPIER, HEALTHIER, BETTER YOU!  Be good to yourself because in the end, all you have is you!  I want you around for awhile and I want you healthy and smiling.  Your smile makes me smile.  If I can help one person everyday, my destiny in life is being fulfilled... just as yours is by getting your HEALTHY SELF BACK.  Keep in touch by checking out what everyday can provide you with.

Again, if you have any questions or concerns... even advice LET ME KNOW!  I am here to help YOU!

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