Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Good morning, EVERYONE!  Rise and shine!  It's going to be a terrific Tuesday!!!  YES IT IS.  I have decided to create what I have named: Regularly Scheduled Blog Posts, which will be posted and updated every week beginning on Monday and ending on Saturday.  Sunday will consist of my normal "free blogging" or be a day off from blogging... whatever I fancy when Sunday rolls around.  Haha!  I will also be "free blogging" throughout the week. 

I have devised certain days to contain certain ideas and advice for the week.  They will be named and announced on Friday!!!  Be sure to check back on Friday.  If there is anything you would like to see or have me research and advise you on, just let me know! 

You can email me: cortniss48@yahoo.com
You can also hit me up on my Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/pages/Clean-Eating-Cort/368019449880823
You can also reach me via Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/Cortney_Murphy

Thanks for your support and if you'd like to be updated via YOUR email, input your info (LOOK AT THE TOP RIGHT OF MY BLOG... HOME PAGE). 

See ya Friday! 

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