Monday, April 2, 2012

National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day! Hooray!

That's right!  Today is National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day!  I had my clean version of this childhood classic.  Have you had your version?

What exactly is a "CLEAN" peanut butter and jelly sandwich?!  Simply, a delicious and almost all natural version of this amazing classic.  What makes it cleaner and better for you is the ingredients that you choose.  I am taking this to the next level, my peeps!  Haha. 

How to make the PB & J even better:
  • Choose a bread the is "whole grain."  The FIRST ingredient listed on your bread's label should read: WHOLE GRAIN.  Why?  Because I said so... kidding.  The reason being is because whole grain bread tends to have less sugar and will make you feel fuller. 
  • When choosing a "jelly" for you sandwich, you need to READ the back of the jar... the ingredient list to be specific.  Make sure you are purchasing a jam, preserve, or fruit spread that contains real fruit and low in sugar.  Do not opt for sugar-free because that contains artificial sweeteners which are not a healthy alternative. 
  • Lastly, PEANUT BUTTER!  I have always said NATURAL peanut butter is better for you!  Proof be, it's NATURAL.  No added sugar what-so-ever.  And, if your peanut butter ingredients indicate sugar, then it's NOT natural.  Also, most peanut butters include molasses which ups the sugar count and also contain hydrogenated oils which are bad for you. 
These are just a few things to slightly alter your food consumption.  A classic becomes even better.  And, I bet back in the day... many decades ago, PB & J was made more like the version above.  Food for thought. 

Clean eating can be delicious and can be fun.  This cleaner version of a down home classic is just one example.  Check back in with me as I find new ways to clean up more classics!  Cheers!

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