Thursday, August 23, 2012

Feel Free To Repeat Yourself

I have quite the habit of sticking to what I know, as far as what I eat.  Also, whatever I have stocked in my fridge or cupboards is what I am using to make my clean meals with.  Often times I repeat meals or make very similar meals.  Sometimes I think to myself, "Gee, where's your sense of creativity?" or "Are my meals too boring?" or "Shouldn't I be adding more variety?" Simply put... I can do whatever I want!  Haha... Seriously.  My meals, my way as long as they are clean and healthy.  I used to think I wasn't eating clean enough because I lacked variety.  I stick to what I know, generally, and new ideas sprout from there. 

Don't get me wrong.  I love cooking and I love being able to use new ingredients in various ways.  Sometimes, my stock of food only affords me so much variety until my next grocery shopping extravaganza!  Whichever person you are, same old same old or creative and never eats the same thing twice... good for you.  As long as you circulate variety somehow, someway; be it same ingredients different recipes or same recipes with different ingredients... if you feel you need some mixing up in your eating ways.  ;-)

You are probably wondering the point of this blog.  Well, here it is... I have been feeling free to repeat myself, my meals, and I don't feel bad.  I read an article that stated that The National Weight Control Registry conducted a study on people who maintained a weight loss of at least 30 pounds for at least a year.  The success was due to limited exposure of temptation foods.  What they had on hand was a plentiful amount of clean foods they pull from regularly... like I do.  Hmm, I guess all my worrying was needless and senseless because I, unbeknownst to myself, was stocking foods I know were healthy and necessary in my clean eating lifestyle.  Those foods are the same foods I purchase from the grocery store on a regular basis, as well.  This doesn't mean I can't stock the occasional exotic buy or not try new foods.  This simply confirms that if you feel you repeat meals, too, it's because you know how to cease temptation... whether you knew it or not.  And, besides... who cares if you always eat the same foods?!?  Your taste buds, right?!  Just make sure you try new foods and add some spice into them, as well!  Literally. 

Aww, I feel much better now... I'm going to go repeat myself and eat another veggie medley (sauteed onions, green bell peps, mushrooms, jalapenos, spinach) and this time, for variety sake I will toss in some black beans and a hard boiled egg.  Haha!  Cheer to clean eats! 

Monday, August 13, 2012

It's Been Awhile... And, I am back!

Well, I have been M.I.A. for awhile wallowing in self-pity due to my lack of discipline to eat clean and exercise for the last almost month.  Sometimes we all fail.  However, that's what helps us learn how to regain success by acknowledging our failures and deciding to cease the non-clean debauchery (in my case... alcohol)... and begin again.  Just because I had fell of my clean eating and fitness wagon doesn't mean I cannot pick my ass back up and get back on. 

So, as the song goes: Here I go again on my own!  And, by "my own" I mean only me, myself, and I can accomplish my healthy lifestyle goals.  No one else is going to run for me, lift weights for me, drink oodles of water for me, or eat a plethora of fantastically great clean foods for me.  ONLY MYSELF is GOING TO DO THINGS FOR ME.  With this in mind, I go forward.  I move on.  I make note and make myself aware of past mistakes I have created and I MOVE FORWARD.  I will not forget how crappy I felt from drinking too much and eating the wrong foods (alcohol is a trigger for making bad decisions all around... food included).  I will not forget how making excuses to not get myself active mad me feel insecure about my body, thus causing me to be very angry and extremely moody.  I will not forget how my lack of will power made me feel weak as a person and as if I was letting down a community of clean eaters who I adore... Therefore, I am back. 

It's so easy to not do what's right (or healthy) and so much easier just to ignore my wants, my dreams, my life... MYSELF.  I want to be healthy!  I want to be known as a runner!  I want to be able to be complimented on my guns (my super toned arms... haha)!  I want a nice firm butt!  I want to look at my abs in the mirror while alone and be proud of what I am doing!  I want to share the good eat recipes I create because I want everyone to try how amazing clean eating can be and that you can do it, too!  I want so much!  And, the more I want the more I know I have to do my part to get it.

No more excuses, no more pussy footing around the fact I need to put work into myself and my passion in order to see results.  No more being weak and slipping into temptation.  MORE working out, MORE eating better foods, MORE smiling because I feel better inside and out, MORE positivity about myself, MORE love for myself, MORE time for myself (even if it's only 20 minutes).  MORE HEALTHY CHOICES!  I rather spend the ache and pain (mind, body, and yes... WALLET) now than be sick later with medical bills, illness, possibly disease all due to an unhealthy lifestyle.

Oh, and one more thing... (gosh sometimes A.D.D. sucks... haha) I need to find ways not to give into temptation... or peer pressure.  Even as an adult I experience peer pressure... NOT often, but when I do I don't let myself forget about it, as well.  I am extremely hard on myself.  I punish myself greatly for defeat and I need to work on that.  I need to work on forgiving myself for drinking or eating nachos one night... As long as it's only VERY infrequently.  But, not giving into temptation and peer pressure while also forgiving myself if I do decide to have a beer is something I have to work on.  I won't be having a beer everyday or eating nachos every week, but when I do have those cheats I want to be able to relish in the moment and NOT feel bad. 

I feel as if I have gotten much off my chest today and I feel amazing.  I am so glad I have this forum to release some pent up frustrations and admit I am NOWHERE near perfect.  I am very imperfect; I am human and yes, I have problems and obstacles like everyone else.  I've accepted those feats and demons, I am learning to move on, and I am dedicating myself to happiness and where I find happiness is through family, friends, love for fitness, love for food... CLEAN EATING. 

Thank you all for reading.  Thank you all for making me feel as if I have not failed...

Also, I'd like to thank a friend of mine for one day posting a very pondering question... She asked if she should accept a similar position at another company or follow her dream.  Without any hesitation, I replied that she should follow her dream.  She has such a gift and such passion that NOT following her dream would be something she might regret later.  Then, I thought... "Wait, I am giving advice I should be following!"  There was a time (OK, all my life up until reading this then reflecting upon it) that I am too old to begin a new career; my prime years have come and gone now it's too late... YADDA YADDA YADDA! She inspired me!  She, unbeknownst to her, allowed me to be free from what I used to think.  She allowed me to realize we are never too old to follow our passions and make ourselves ultimately happy... So, I'd like to thank her!  THANK YOU! 

Now, go get active or make some deliciously clean!  CHEERS! 


Monday, June 11, 2012

Organic vs. Non Organic... That Is The Question!

I have been meaning to discuss this topic for sometime.  My sister (props to Lindsay B!) got me curious as to what's the big deal?  Why is this such a debate?  I buy whatever is on sale... whatever is the cheapest because I'm a student on a BUDGET.  That's why I buy what I buy.  Never did the thought of "is organic produce more nutritious for you than non organic?" enter my mind.  Budget overrules everything... And, the amount of produce I consume is ridiculous sometimes...  But, that was a question I have been asked: Is organic produce better for you than non?  What should I buy?

So, I am here to brief you on the nitty gritty of organic produce vs. non organic produce.  First... let's set the record straight... In order for produce to be organic it must meet very strict USDA rules.  Most these rules apply to how the crops are farmed and what they use to prevent pests, insects, and the environment from destroying or contaminating crops. 

Organic produce is protected by other environmental assistance such as insects and birds, mating disruption or traps to reduce pests and disease. To manage weeds, organic farmers rotate crops, till, hand weed or mulch.  To promote crop growth organic farmers will apply natural fertilizers, such as manure or compost, to feed soil and plants. Manure, you may ask... YES!  MANURE.  You read it correctly both times.  Haha... But, in all seriousness the use of manure as a fertilizer in organic farming inevitably has lead to fears of contamination of produce with bacteria such as E. coli which could lead to food poisoning. However, if the organic farmers compost the manure for a precise time at an exact temperature, the amount of bacteria present is greatly reduced.  Thus, keeping food poisoning down in numbers. 

Non organic produce farmers, commonly referred to as "conventional," apply chemical fertilizers to promote plant growth.  In addition, conventional farming techniques call for conventional farmers to spray insecticides to reduce pests and disease.  Also, to manage weeds synthetic herbicides are used.

Studies have shown using pesticides such as those used in conventional farming have been linked  to cancers, neurological damage, as well as birth defects and even possible early onset of Parkinson's. By choosing organic produce, you'll not only lower the amounts of toxic pesticides in your body, but also your levels of bisphenol A and phthalates; both can alter your hormones... Like we need anymore altering of our hormones... LADIES?!?!  Haha...

After extensively reading lots of articles, websites, and blogs I came to the conclusion that some produce is worth buying organic, others not so much.  If not reasonably priced, then I buy what is reasonably priced.  I'm not going broke... Plus, an apple is still an apple is still a fruit and I am getting my one serving in... REGARDLESS.  Like I said, if the price is right and organic is just a few cents higher in cost than it's step-siblings, conventional produce, then I will splurge!!!  Why not... Haha. 

So... Here's the low down on what you can get away with NOT buying labeled as organic and what you should buy if organic is available...

What you should ALWAYS purchase ORGANIC:
  • apple
  • bell peppers
  • carrots
  • celery
  • strawberries
  • lettuce (any leafy green vegetable at that...)
  • potatoes
What is OK NOT to purchase ORGANIC:
  • asparagus
  • avocado
  • sweet peas
  • grapefruit
  • onions
  • cabbage
  • onions
  • sweet corn
  • pineapple
  • mango
Also, making sure you clean your produce carefully will prevent those pesticides from entering your mouth... Wash everything GOOD and wipe your produce dry! 

Oh, I almost forgot!  Some of the above organic produce I suggested to buy REGULARLY actually are a little more nutritious in some aspects and some not... For instance, ORGANIC strawberries  have higher concentrations of antioxidant activity, more vitamin C, and more phenolics.  Phenolics are some of the main sources of antioxidants that we get in our diet. The organic berries (any berry) did have lower concentrations of phosphorus and potassium.  But, organic berries (any berry) actually last longer than those that are not. 

So, I say buy if you can afford organic produce and only buy the organic produce that is listed as a SHOULD ALWAYS PURCHASE as ORGANIC.  Otherwise, it's a personal preference and to each their own.  Cheers to clean eating! 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Broccoli Slaw... SAY WHAAAAT!?!?

Yes!  Broccoli Slaw people!  I was craving me some slaw the other day.  I saw that I needed to use up my broccoli and FAST!  But, I didn't feel like wasting all the stalk of the broccoli.  I hate wasting food... I am a food junkie and wasting food is almost sac-religious to me!  Haha...

So, I decided to create a simple and delicious Broc Slaw.  It's as delicious as much as it is nutritious!  Probably the best slaw ever... EVER! 

In fact, I am eating it as I write this blog... I love leftovers!  Broccoli is a FABULOUS food... a SUPERFOOD!  Broccoli boasts high in Vitamin C which is not only a great preventive measure for colds, it also helps ease cold symptoms and help in the absorbency of iron.  And, it doesn't stop there... NOPE.  In fact, the beta-carotene in broccoli transforms into vitamin A within the body, providing an effective antioxidant that destroys free radicals (responsible for weakening the defense of cells). 

Also, did you know that broccoli can help prevent and control many disease and illnesses?!?  Just look: Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, calcium deficiencies, stomach and colon cancer, malignant tumors, lung cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and even the aging process can all be prevented and/or controlled by the feared by many SUPERFOOD... My best friend, Broccoli! 

So, I say why not bust out that broccoli and make something delicious!

Broc Slaw by Cortney Murphy
(Yeah... I figured I'd add my name to my recipes... Why not... HAHA!)
Serves: 4-6 peeps
  • 3 cups of shredded stalk of broc and finely chopped broccoli (the leafy stuff)
  • 2-3  slices of cooked bacon (I used regular bacon... it's spread so sparingly throughout the slaw it's not a huge deal...)
  • 5 small sweet peppers (they come in a huge bag at grocery stores for about $5.99)
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped cilantro
  • 2 large celery stalks, chopped
  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries
  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
  • 1/2 medium red onion, chopped

  • Lemon juice from a large lemon
  • 3 tbsp of mayo (or light)
  • 1 tsp EVOO
  • 1 tbsp honey (make sure it's 100%... buyer beware of "HONEY SAUCE" which contains added preservatives including crap like high fructose corn syrup)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
Simply add all the slaw ingredients in a large bowl.  Then the dressing ingredients.  Mix well until all is coated.

When added the dressing (yes I made it in a separate bowl, which is fine if you'd like to do that) and felt like it wasn't going to be enough.  However, it was plenty!!!  If you like more, simply add more.  Although, you want to be careful on the mayo... That stuff will get you all the time!  HAHA! 



Whole Wheat Protein Pancakes

These little delicious healthy versions of the classic flapjacks are fantastic!  It was a recipe I created myself.  So, I may be editing this often and I am open to suggestion.  So, welcome are your suggestions and advice! 

The reason I created a healthier version of the quintessential breakfast food is because for years I chose French Toast over pancakes; I felt it was healthier than their cousin "THE PANCAKE."  But, both are equally as nutritionally not sound as the other.  They are not horrible, but nor are they sometime to consume regularly.  So, I researched and came up with my own version...

Why whole wheat?  Simply because it's better for you!  It's nutritional value outweighs that of white flour any day!  So, when a recipe calls for "flour" choose WHOLE WHEAT.  And, your choice should include the word: 100%.  Most whole wheat flours that do not indicate 100% Whole Wheat only contain about 60% whole wheat and the most important ingredients are left out; the bran and wheat germ of the flour. 

When you consume whole wheat (in any form) you are helping to lower your chances of weight gain, thus maintaining a good and healthy weight.  Latest studies reveal that: "Refined grains and the foods made from them (e.g., white breads, cookies, pastries, pasta and rice) are now being linked not only to weight gain but to increased risk of insulin resistance (the precursor of type 2 diabetes) and the metabolic syndrome (a strong predictor of both type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease)."  Good news is that by eating more whole grain foods (such as whole wheat) can protect against all the above mentioned disease.  It's about time we all indulge in some "GOOD CARBS" and get our whole wheat and whole grain on!

You can start by consuming it in ways you might not have thought of before.  I made Whole Wheat Protein Pancakes... Mmm, Mmm! 

Serving size: SMALL flapjacks
Serves: 2-3

1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 tbsp Flaxseed meal
1/2 scoop protein powder (Vanilla is the only way to go here...)
1 tsp cinnamon
2 tbsp Club Soda (make sure it's fizzy!!!)
4 egg whites
1/4 cup of almond milk
1 tbsp nonfat, plain Greek yogurt

- Heat pan or griddle to medium high heat
- While pan is heating up, mix all dry ingredients in a medium mixing bowl
- Add egg whites
- Slowly add milk, yogurt, and soda
- Make sure not to "over mix" unless you like tough and chewy flapjacks..,. HAHA!
- Now for some cooking... Use a non-stick spray or a TINY amount of butter (not margarine)
- Cook each side until golden brown and center is NOT gooey

That's it.  Top with some honey, or yogurt, or favorite fruit! 

Pretty simple... and can be modified... If you feel the batter is to thick simply add a little Club Soda and/or milk.. It's that simple.  Now, go get your breakfast on!  =)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Superfood of the Week: KALE!

This week's SUPERFOOD is KALE!!!  What's kale?  Kale is one of the healthiest vegetables on earth!  No joke.  Kale is a cruciferous vegetable; part of the Brassica family (which includes other cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, collards, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts). 

Just one cup of this amazing veggie contains:

36 calories
5 grams of fiber
15% of the daily requirement of calcium and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
40% of magnesium
180% of vitamin A
200% of vitamin C
1,020% of vitamin K (Vitamin K is necessary for a wide variety of bodily functions, including normal blood clotting, antioxidant activity, and bone health)

Kale is also a great source of minerals copper, potassium, iron, manganese, and phosphorus. 

Kale can also help promote good eye health due to it's high lutein and zeaxanthin compounds.  Also, Kale can help reduce the risk of heart disease and lower blood cholesterol levels, especially when cooked (as opposed to raw).  Also, rich in fiber this vegetables hails as KING in my book. 


Cooking it is preferable due to it's bitter taste.  There are many ways to eat this SUPERFOOD.   I found that making Kale Chips was the easiest way to consume this SUPERFOOD.  I know, I know Kale Chips sounds as if it is not a good alternative to regular potato chips, but you'd be surprised!  ***DON'T DISS IT, UNTIL YOU TRY IT!***

They are very delicate, so dipping them is kind of difficult... HEY, I just thought of a new dip recipe including crispy KALE!  YAY!  Love how recipes just pop up... But, back to the Kale Chips...

Here's a good recipe for making those crispy little wonders your new favorite Superfood!  

Here's to good, clean eats! 

EASY AS PIE, but way less calories and not as many steps... Haha! 


3-4 handfuls of Kale (I purchase my kale from Trader Joe's so it's already de-stemmed)
1-2 tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
Sea salt (Kosher salt will also do)

*If you like spicy, try sprinkling some Cayenne Pepper or Crushed Red Pepper Flakes with the Kale.  

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Using parchment paper on top of your baking sheet will greatly help crisp these delightful little dudes, so use it!
  • Make sure your leaves are suuuuuper dry and have no moisture outside them... 
  • Once dry, place in a large bowl and pour your EVOO (and sprinkle your spicy spices, but not your salt... salt will cause the Kale to release moisture which will cause them to wilt and get soggy... and who wants soggy chips!?!)
  • After every leaf is cover with goodness, place evenly on your baking sheet.
  • Cook for 12-15 minutes.  Be careful not to burn them! They'll become bitter and utterly dissatisfying! 
  • Once crispy BUT NOT BURNT, remove from oven sprinkling your salt now! 
  • Eat and enjoy!
Now, you have yourself a great recipe for some nutritious and delicious Kale Chips!  

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Run for YOUR Life...

Today's run was awesome!   I didn't feel tired, bored, or distracted.  I was extremely focused and motivated.  I think the beautiful weather in Seattle has something to do with it.  Also, the fact my play list (via Pandora) was amazing.  Every song that played matched my every thought.  Rarely does that happen.  I think Pandora knows what I am thinking.  HAHA!  So, that right there put me in a fantastic mood.  I could have ran for another mile or so... But, my loop had ended.  I will have to map out a longer run for tomorrow. 

Focusing on why you are running, I feel, is the utmost important thing when you set out to run.  In fact, it's the most important thing to do before any exercise.  FOCUS helps you keep your head in the game and your eye on the prize.  I am focused on a healthier me... I am doing this for heart health, for my metabolism, for my therapy, for my LIFE. 

Those are just a few reasons why I run.   I also run to motivate others to do the same for their body, heart, mind, and soul.  After I run, I feel like electricity is surging through my body... All the endorphins from my adrenaline are pumping me up and providing me with a natural high that I LOVE!  I thrive off  that kind of high! 

I get the same feeling after a great, hard, sweat-filled workout, as well!!!  And, it's not just me that feels this way.  For most, that high is what starts the addiction to fitness and the overwhelming urge to continue for a lifetime.  Continuous exercise will keep you young, will keep you fit, will improve your mood, the way you eat, the way you think, YOUR LIFE overall. The benefits are endless!

Running is my cardio.  I love it!  I have really no idea where I was going with this blog, THANKS ADHD!  However, I wanted to let you know what I do to remain positive and focused on my running and why I run.  I run for my LIFE... I run for happiness, for exercise, to keep trim, for therapy... Haha!  Hopefully, you will experiencing these elated feelings or if you haven't you need to!  Get out there and start today!  Don't put off today until tomorrow... Before you know it weeks will have gone by with unfulfilled yesterdays. 

I just ran 2.34 mi in 26:11 with a 11:13 min/mile pace using . Check out my route!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What's New for This Girl

Well, Friday has come and gone.  I was supposed to post what will be new everyday for Who's That Girl?!  However, I am back and ready to reveal what's new, what's hot, and what you can do to be a better, healthier, happier you! 

I have designated certain days to discuss and inform you all on the subjects I feel most important, yet easy to follow and will ultimately benefit each and everyone of you!  I care about YOU.  I care about YOUR happiness, YOUR health, YOUR well-being.  If you are not happy with yourself than other aspects of your life begin to suffer.  Most times it's your diet that begins to suffer first.  It's a lot easier to eat a cookie or bowl of ice cream than it is to deal with life's sometimes crucial issues.  So for YOU, the reader and my support system, I dedicate theses days to you:

Superfood of the Week

I will be informing you, in depth, of what superfood you should incorporate into your clean eating consumption... if you haven't already.  You'll either love it and try it, or cringe and complain.  Eventually, after I endlessly emphasize it's nutritional benefits YOU'LL TRY IT!!! Haha.

Smart Snacking

This is a blog post entirely dedicated to the art of smart snacking.  There are numerous snacks which you can consume and yet not feel guilty about it.  I will provide you with the most nutritious snacks... and then it's up to you whether you like them or not... I have a feeling you'll enjoy them!

The Active You

Working out can become mundane after time.  You may even feel that your routine is stagnate and stall like a box of unwrapped whole wheat saltines.  That's why educating yourself and learning new moves or activities will rev up your body and introduce you to something new.  How much jumping rope can you stand?!  I know I get bored easily at times.  So, I try and switch it up with activities or moves that you wouldn't normally consider... But, now you will! 

Meal of the Week

Everyone needs, at some point, to revamp their personal menu.  By that, I mean reinvent or invent a new meal that you and guests alike (family, friends, co-workers) will enjoy.  More importantly, you know what your making is good for you and others!  My attempt is to get your taste buds flowing through clean eating meals.  I will feature breakfast one week, lunch another week, dinner another week.  Sometimes I might feature a meal two weeks in a row.  You'll enjoy Thursdays for more reasons than just it being that much closer to the weekend. ;-)

Sweet Treats

This is for all you SWEET junkies out there!  But, the twist is, I'm going to make them healthy!  JUST FOR YOU!  This was not an idea of my own.  I have to give thanks and acknowledgement to my wonderful, creative sister Lindsay who always comes in handy when I need to be creative.  Her help with Sweet Treats the clean way will be a hit amongst us all!  I wonder if her craftiness, design oriented mind, and ability to make the ordinary into extraordinary is what makes her an asset in not only my world, but the world of design and party planning... hmm, maybe... ANYWAYS, she inspired my Friday blogs.  She should really be the one blogging about this!!!  Stay tuned for healthy versions of decadent cupcakes, muffins, cookies, ice cream... and whatever is sweet and I am able to find a healthier version. 

Shopping Cart Essentials

Can you guess what I might be blogging about on Saturdays?!  Haha, ways to make that grocery cart look like a produce stand rather than the nabisco cookie dream team!  Most people happen to shop on the weekends after a full work week.  And, even if you don't you can still utilize this information to grocery shop at anytime! 


So, that's the big announcement I am sure you all have been diligently waiting for!  HAHAHAHAHA!  Now, I will continue to provide you with motivational tips, random recipes, tips here and there.  I want YOU to use the tools and knowledge I am giving you to be a HAPPIER, HEALTHIER, BETTER YOU!  Be good to yourself because in the end, all you have is you!  I want you around for awhile and I want you healthy and smiling.  Your smile makes me smile.  If I can help one person everyday, my destiny in life is being fulfilled... just as yours is by getting your HEALTHY SELF BACK.  Keep in touch by checking out what everyday can provide you with.

Again, if you have any questions or concerns... even advice LET ME KNOW!  I am here to help YOU!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Breakfast Never Looked So Good - REVISED...

My apologies!  I posted a blog before I was finished proof reading it.  So, here's the skinny on breakfast... AND, a recipe!!!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Without a well-balanced breakfast to start you off right in the morning, you are depriving yourself of much needed calories and energy. After sleeping at least 6 to 8 hours a night, your body is seeking much needed nourishment. That's where breakfast comes to save the day! And, boy does it ever!

Studies have shown if you skip breakfast you are more likely to consume more calories during the day... How so? EASILY... because you become SO hungry, that you most likely grab the fastest, most convenient thing to eat which is a bagel with cream cheese, a candy bar, donut, chips, ALL of which are loaded with empty calories, an excessive amount of sugar, and too many calories for what little nutrition they possess, if any. That sets you off to make poor eating decisions all day... STUDIES HAVE SHOWN and the overwhelming amount of people who follow this exact path had me in shock. I always have loved breakfast and now I love it even more since I know it's the START of any great day! We all know how important great days are!

Breakfast can be difficult to accomplish since a lot of people don't want to give up 20 minutes of sleep to make a delicious, healthy, MUCH needed breakfast. However, you have to think of it as NOT losing sleep. You have to ask yourself if it's worth sacrificing good eating habits and proper food selection? Not at all. So make it a habit and go to bed 20 minutes earlier to avoid feeling like you are missing out on sleep, if you are that worried about it. Make time for YOU and enjoy breakfast while gaining peace of mind knowing you are providing your body with fuel, as well as your brain and with the proper fueling for your brain you are able to stay more focused, sharper, thus more efficient at work or school.

Here's a quick, easy, DELICIOUS breakfast you can make within 20 minutes or less and have time to eat it, as well! It's super heart healthy, high in fiber, and protein.


Servings: 4


4 7 to 8-inch wheat flour tortillas (I use Trader Joe's Organic Wheat Flour and Corn Tortillas)
1 tablespoon EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
1 15-oz can of black beans, drained
1/2 cup of water
1/2 teaspoon salt, divided
4 large eggs
4 large egg whites
1/4 cup low-fat milk
1/3 cup minced onions (white or yellow will suffice)
3 tablespoons of finely chopped cilantro
4 tablespoons of non-fat, plain Greek yogurt (one tablespoon per person)
1 medium to large avocado sliced to garnish
HOT SAUCE, I prefer Siracha!!!

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure to place one or the rack in the middle of the oven. Place tortillas on the racks directly for 10-15 minutes depending on how crispy you want your tortillas. Turn them over half way through!!!

While the torts in the oven getting crispy, get out a medium to large saucepan, add the drained beans and water over medium to medium high heat.

 Begin stirring and keep a close eye on not to burn the bottom of the mixture. Once it starts to bubble, add 1/4 teaspoon salt and reduce heat to low. With a potato masher or large fork, mash the beans and water until it's the consistency of a chunky paste... Or like traditional refried beans. Remove from heat and cover.

Heat the oil over medium heat in a large sauce pan. Once heated, add onions and saute until translucent.  While that is happening, beat eggs, egg whites, and milk a large mixing bowl. Add the egg mixture to the pan with the onions. Add remaining salt. Fold and stir your eggs gently and frequently until set (firm and not runny) which is about 3 minutes. If you prefer them more done, simply cook them a little longer.

The tostadas should be crispy and ready to roll at this point. Take out of the oven and place on plates.

TO ASSEMBLE THESE BAD BOYS, all you have to do is spread each tortilla with the bean mixture. Then top with eggs. After that, top the eggs with the nonfat, plain Greek yogurt. Add the avocado and cilantro for garnish. DONE!

Eat and be merry! Also, it doesn't hurt to choose your favorite hot sauce to accompany this delicious delight! =)

Rest In Peace...

Rest in Peace, Bob Kennedy. This world has lost a truly inspiring man who's passion for fitness and wellness inspired me to do what I am doing today. Thank you, Bob for your motivation, knowledge, and love for health. I will carry on your passion in hopes to inspire others to get healthy and fit. I will never stop reading Oxygen magazine and Clean Eating magazine... THANK YOU, RIP!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Not Feeling It Today...

I was definitely not in the "workout" mood today.  I procrastinated as long as I could.  I gave myself a few excuses.  Then, I finally told myself, "Hey lazy butt!  Your body isn't going to miraculously whip itself into shape!"  So, I got up and devised a quick yet nonstop circuit of at-home-exercises using no weights just my body weight (which has slimmed down 3 lbs. since I started on April 1st...)!  If I can convince myself to get up and get moving, so can you!  And, if not I am here to say, "GET UP!  GET MOVING!"

My workout was quick, like I mentioned.  And, again I didn't stop.  I took 5 seconds in between each exercise and that's it... if that.  If you have a yoga mat, use it.  If not, find a large area rug that doesn't move around or a spot on your carpet (hopefully it's clean... haha, I'm kidding). 

First move of my workout, JUMPING JACKS.  I did 50 whole-hearted jumping jacks.  After that, I threw down the mat and did 12 complete push-ups (if you can't do the real ones, use your knees and dip down... your knees will help to make this exercise easier).  After that, I flipped around and did 30 bicycle crunches.  Followed by 20 regular sit-ups.  Then, move the mat away (or rug, if you are using one) and begin doing 20 squats.  Make sure your legs are shoulder width apart and you are driving your heels into the ground as you raise back up into standing position.  AND, THAT WAS IT!  I repeated everything three times and I was done.  I usually like to sweat and do much more, but I was having an off day I suppose which I am going to combat.  Once I get some sneaky ways to beat procrastination and distractions... along with negativity I will share. 

Workout at home using this circuit:

50- Jumping jacks (use good form and don't half ass these!)
12- push-ups (use your knees if need be)
30- bicycle crunches
20- sit-ups (if your neck begins to ache, you are doing it wrong... so just remember lift your torso up with your stomach and really focus on what muscle you are working)
20- squats (legs shoulder width apart, plant those feet and raise up using your heels)

REPEAT THREE TIMES... for the ultimate workout repeat four times!!!  I think I will do another round right now!!!

The Super Tea...

Super tea?  Well, yeah!  Green tea!  It should wear a cape and be able to fly, it's that super.  Green tea is known for it's numerous herbal and medicinal powers, founded by the Chinese over 4000 years ago.  It's the second most consumed beverage in the world, water being the first. 

Green tea contains one of the highest levels of antioxidants known as polyphenols.  These powerful antioxidants help to fight against free radicals.  Free radicals are considered to be responsible for damaging cells, DNA, and has been linked to even death.  The leaves are steamed to ensure the preservation of useful antioxidants, tannins and flavonoids.

Ready for the amazing benefits?  Get ready to be informed... Haha!
  • The most popular benefit is it's ability to help boost your metabolism, burn calories, THUS losing weight if regularly consumed in addition to a healthy diet.  Reason being, those polyphenols I mentioned early produce extra heat in your body which makes you burn more calories than if you weren't to drink it... Also, green tea modifies how the body utilizes the hormone norepinephrine, which is responsible for increasing metabolism.  On average it can burn 100 extra calories if consumed 2-3 times daily. 
  • Green tea is rich in Vitamin E which can stall the aging process... who wouldn't like that!?!
  • Got a headache?  Drink some green tea.  Research (and the ancient Chinese culture) have proved that consuming green tea can reduce your chances of onset headaches.
  • Energy and stamina is something we all want, but by mid-afternoon our body's are pooped!  To maintain a high level of energy and stamina, drink a cup of green tea.
  • Green tea is a natural anti-inflammatory and has been used to help reduce inflammation.  It's commonly suggestion for those with IBD (irritable bowl disease) which includes Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis.
  • It's also used for the regulation of diabetes.  Green tea helps to control blood sugar levels and slow the progression once developed.
  • CANCER... The big "C."  Green teas has been proven to protect against certain types of cancer.  Researchers believe those powerful antioxidants, polyphenols, help kill cancerous cells and stop those cell from growing.
  • Green tea has been contributed to lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise good cholesterol (HDL). 
The following is from and indicates in detail certain cancers and the benefits received from regular consumption of GREEN TEA.

Bladder cancer. Only a few clinical studies have examined the relationship between bladder cancer and drinking tea. In one study that compared people with and without bladder cancer, researchers found that women who drank black tea and powdered green tea were less likely to develop bladder cancer. A follow-up clinical study by the same group of researchers revealed that people with bladder cancer -- particularly men -- who drank green tea had a better 5-year survival rate than those who did not.
Breast cancer. Clinical studies in animals and test tubes suggest that polyphenols in green tea inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells. In one study of 472 women with various stages of breast cancer, researchers found that women who drank the most green tea had the least spread of cancer. It was especially true in premenopausal women in the early stages of breast cancer. They also found that women with early stages of the disease who drank at least 5 cups of tea every day before being diagnosed with cancer were less likely to have the cancer come back after they finished treatment. However, women with late stages of breast cancer had little or no improvement from drinking green tea.
There is no clear evidence one way or the other about green tea and breast cancer prevention. In one very large study, researchers found that drinking tea, green or any other type, was not associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer. However, when the researchers broke down the sample by age, they found that women under the age of 50 who consumed 3 or more cups of tea per day were 37% less likely to develop breast cancer compared to women who didn't drink tea.
Ovarian cancer. In a clinical study done with ovarian cancer patients in China, researchers found that women who drank at least one cup of green tea per day lived longer with the disease than those who didn' t drink green tea. In fact, those who drank the most tea, lived the longest. But other studies found no beneficial effects.
Colorectal cancer. Clinical studies on the effects of green tea on colon or rectal cancer have showed conflicting results. Some studies show decreased risk in those who drink the tea, while others show increased risk. In one study, women who drank 5 or more cups of green tea per day had a lower risk of colorectal cancer compared to non-tea-drinkers. There was no protective effect for men, however. Other studies show that drinking tea regularly may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer in women. More research is needed before researchers can recommend green tea for the prevention of colorectal cancer.
Esophageal cancer. Studies in laboratory animals have found that green tea polyphenols inhibit the growth of esophageal cancer cells. However, studies in people have produced conflicting findings. For example, one large-scale population-based clinical study found that green tea offered protection against the development of esophageal cancer, particularly among women. Another population-based clinical study found just the opposite -- green tea consumption was associated with an increased risk of esophageal cancer. In fact, the stronger and hotter the tea, the greater the risk. Given these conflicting results, more research is needed before scientists can recommend green tea for the prevention of esophageal cancer.
Lung cancer. While green tea polyphenols
Pancreatic cancer. In one large-scale clinical study researchers compared green tea drinkers with non-drinkers and found that those who drank the most tea were less likely to develop pancreatic cancer. This was particularly true for women -- those who drank the most green tea were half as likely to develop pancreatic cancer as those who drank less tea. Men who drank the most tea were 37% less likely to develop pancreatic cancer.
However, it is not clear from this population-based study whether green tea is solely responsible for lowering pancreatic cancer risk. More studies in animals and people are needed before researchers can recommend green tea for the prevention of pancreatic cancer.
Prostate cancer. Laboratory studies have found that green tea extracts prevent the growth of prostate cancer cells in test tubes. In a large clinical study in Southeast China researchers found that the risk of prostate cancer went down with increasing frequency, duration and quantity of green tea consumption. However, both green and black tea extracts also stimulated genes that cause cells to be less sensitive to chemotherapy drugs. People who are undergoing chemotherapy should ask their doctors before drinking green or black tea, or taking tea supplements.
Skin cancer. The main polyphenol in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Scientific studies suggest that EGCG and green tea polyphenols have anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties that may help prevent the development and growth of skin tumors.
Stomach cancer. Laboratory studies have found that green tea polyphenols inhibit the growth of stomach cancer cells in test tubes, but studies in people have been less conclusive. In two studies that compared green tea drinkers with non-drinkers, researchers found that people who drank tea were about half as likely to develop stomach cancer and stomach inflammation as those who did not drink green tea. However, a clinical study with more than 26,000 men and women in Japan found no association between green tea and stomach cancer risk. Some studies even suggest that green tea may increase the risk of stomach cancer.
More clinical studies are underway to see whether green tea helps reduce the risk of stomach cancer.


      Linguine Lindsay... PASTA!!!

      I was reading through all my food magazines and newspaper clippings I have saved over the years and came upon an amazing dish I made over the weekend.  It was soooo good, I named it Linguine Lindsay after my sister who has contributed so much to my blog and been so supportive every step of the way.  AND, don't worry Mallory (my youngest sister)... I am naming a dish after you, as well.  ;-)

      If you are looking for a delicious BIG flavored meal without the heavy, pit-in-your-stomach feeling and LOW in calories, then look no further.  You'll have your friends asking for this recipe in no time! 

      First, read this thoroughly a few times through (I always recommend this) so you know EXACTLY what you are facing.  It's not that difficult.  However, it's good to have an idea of what steps you are to follow... that way there's no surprises or forgotten or missed steps.  =)

      Linguine Lindsay


      1 pound linguine (as you'll see, I used spaghetti because I had it...)
      1 pound spinach
      1 cup broccoli florets
      4 tablespoons EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
      2 garlic gloves, minced
      1/4 cup finely crumbled gorgonzola cheese (I used Trader Joe's brand)
      3/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
      1/4 cup ALL NATURAL (Daisy brand is ALL natural and the only ingredient is CREAM)
      1/2 teaspoon coarse salt (sea salt works great) and pepper
      1/2 cup of chopped and coarsely ground RAW almonds (I used Trader Joe's brand)

      • Begin by cooking the pasta according to the directions as indicated on the package
      • Drain pasta once it's finish BUT reserve 1/2 - 1 cup of the pasta water for later
      • In the same pan you cooked the pasta in (drain it, but remember RESERVE 1/2 - 1 cup of pasta water), warm the EVOO over medium heat
      • Add garlic and saute for about 1 minute (be careful not to burn the garlic... burnt garlic will have your dish tasting bitter...)
      • Add broccoli and saute for another 2 minutes, add salt and pepper
      • Add pasta, spinach, gorgonzola, yogurt, and 1/2 cup to 1 cup (depending on how thick or thin you want the sauce to be)
      • Add almonds and toss well
      • Serve immediately

      DELICIOUS!  For more on why these ingredients are healthy, satisfying, and part of a necessary diet... STAY TUNED!

      Tuesday, April 10, 2012


      Good morning, EVERYONE!  Rise and shine!  It's going to be a terrific Tuesday!!!  YES IT IS.  I have decided to create what I have named: Regularly Scheduled Blog Posts, which will be posted and updated every week beginning on Monday and ending on Saturday.  Sunday will consist of my normal "free blogging" or be a day off from blogging... whatever I fancy when Sunday rolls around.  Haha!  I will also be "free blogging" throughout the week. 

      I have devised certain days to contain certain ideas and advice for the week.  They will be named and announced on Friday!!!  Be sure to check back on Friday.  If there is anything you would like to see or have me research and advise you on, just let me know! 

      You can email me:
      You can also hit me up on my Facebook:!/pages/Clean-Eating-Cort/368019449880823
      You can also reach me via Twitter:!/Cortney_Murphy

      Thanks for your support and if you'd like to be updated via YOUR email, input your info (LOOK AT THE TOP RIGHT OF MY BLOG... HOME PAGE). 

      See ya Friday! 

      Monday, April 9, 2012

      Today's Workout

      Oh as much as I didn't feel like working out, I pushed myself to do so anyways!  Contemplating whether to workout or not doesn't burn as many calories as ACTUALLY getting your butt up and getting busy!  That's when I decided I will workout and burn some cals, especially after yesterday's food fest! 

      I did abs, legs, and buns today.  Tomorrow, I will be either running if it's nice out or arms if it's cloudy, cold, and raining.  Yes, I have to plan my workouts accordingly.  I'm not about to miss the limited sunshine I get... I'm taking full advantage. 

      Back to the subject at hand, TODAY'S WORKOUT!  Here it is:

      - Sit ups (traditional ol' sit ups!) 25 reps, 3 sets
      - Cherry Pickers 30 reps (which is 15 for each side I figure), 3 sets
      - Bicycle Crunches 20 reps (10 each side), 3 sets
      (picture courtesy of

      Then for the legs/buns:

      - Squats with two 5 lb weights 15 reps, 3 sets
      - Calf Raises with two 5 lb weights 30 reps, 3 sets
      - Walking Lunges 26 steps, 3 sets
      - Mule Kicks 15 each leg, 3 sets

      (picture courtesy of

      That was it for today!  These are great starter moves, also intermediate moves.  You should not workout or try any part this exercise regimen I have suggested, unless you have spoken to your physician about exercising and are clear to do so. 

      Also, for form and technique try googling these exercise.  I highly recommend it.  In the very near future I will be demonstrating these moves myself.  I can't wait for that!  Until then, remember these moves, research them, be careful, and start moving!   =)

      Homemade Pizza... Somewhat!

      I was venturing through the isles at Trader Joe's (one of my favorites speciality grocery stores... cheap, convenient, and tasty) when I had the yearning to make pizza.  But, I wanted it that night and didn't want to deal with making my own dough.

      Thankfully, TJ's offers a whole wheat dough (along with regular dough and a herb version).  I purchased that along with some other must haves and away I went.  So, you bake the pizza at 450-500 degrees to perfection and in about 20 minutes you have a marvelous meal and oh-so-tasty! 

      Follow the directions as stated in the dough's package.  I'm telling you in advance to pull the dough out of the fridge 20 minutes prior to prepping.  Be sure to pre-heat that oven.  While the dough is resting and the oven is pre-heating, chop up your choice of veggies.  The pizza I created I named: Pesto Delight.  The sauce was actually tube of basil spread I purchased from Safeway.  I used this instead of actual pesto paste or sauce because it's lower in calories and fat.  Yet, tastes just like pesto sauce.  I also had chicken leftover from earlier in the week, I sliced some yellow sweet peppers, white onion, and spinach.  Topped half of it with pine nuts for others... But, I do not like the texture or taste of pine nuts that's why only half of the pizza was topped with them.

      So, the process (simplified) as follows for the PESTO DELIGHT pizza:

      -Get the dough out and let it sit for 20 minutes
      -Pre-heat the oven to 450-500 degrees (depends on the dough)
      -Chop your veggies
      -Cut up some chicken breast
      -Roll dough out on a well floured surface, use the flour in accordance to your dough (wheat = wheat flour, white = white flour...)
      -Once the dough is rolled out, begin to put the basil spread on the dough
      -After that, sprinkle LIGHTLY and SPARINGLY shredded mozzarella cheese on top
      -Then add your chicken and veggies
      -Place in the oven for 8-10 minutes, depending on how you like your dough and VIOLA! 

      DONE.  A very simple and easy recipe in which gives you a pizza in about the same time or less than delivery!  And, MUCH healthier for you! 

      It's a clean version of what I enjoy eating most.  I could eat pizza everyday!  But, with the over abundance of calories and processed meats, it doesn't make for a wise food choice.  Now, you too can eat cleaner and better without sacrificing taste or enjoyment!  CHEERS!  Stay tuned for more! 

      Monday, April 2, 2012

      Clean Calzones

      Clean calzones sounds like an oxymoron, but it is not.  I got the dough recipe from the highly acclaimed food magazine, Bon appetite.  It is a no knead dough recipe.  It makes enough for three fluffy and thick calzones or four slightly thinner, yet just as fluffy!  Make this dough in advance because it takes a at least 18 hours to complete the rising of the dough.  Be sure to read this recipe carefully prior to starting your dough so you know EXACTLY what to expect... and what to do. 

      Yes, there are quicker ways to make dough, but this dough calls for NO sugar and NO oil.  Plus, it has a rustic, Italian taste to it that you can use to make pizza if you choose not make calzones.  TWO FOR ONER!!!  Heck yes!

      3 3/4 cups all-purpose whole wheat flour (I bought mine from Trader Joe's)
      2 tsp fine sea salt
      1/4 tsp dry active yeast
      1 1/2 cups warm water

      Whisk ingredients together in medium bowl.  While stirring with a wooden spoon, slowly add 1 1/2 cups of water and stir until well incorporated.  Mix dough gently with your hands until it forms a small dough ball.  Transfer to a large bowl (because it's going to rise, baby!!!). Cover with plastic wrap and let it rise at room temp (about 72 degrees) in a draft free area until the surface is covered with tiny bubbles and the dough has more than doubled in size (which is approx. 18 hours). 

      After it has risen, place dough on a floured work surface.  Gently shape dough into three big or four moderately sized dough balls.  Trick here is to continually fold the corners under the ball using both hands repeatedly.  With this action, continue dusting the dough balls with flour. 

      Let the dough rest and cover with plastic wrap or a damp, warm kitchen towel.  You want the dough soft and pliable (approx. 1 hour).  Once this has happened, you are ready to rolllllll that dough out and make them caaaaalzones, baby!!!

      For the sauce, I opened up a can of organic, no salt added tomato sauce put in a sauce pan and let it heat up.  Meanwhile, I diced some onions to my liking and garlic.  I tossed those into the sauce and then added some Italian herb seasoning.  I let that simmer for about 10 minutes or so... and then you are ready to put on your dough.  Divide your dough in half... if you are making circular calzones, fold use only one half for the sauce then add toppings... or fillings on top of the sauce. Save some sauce for dipping!  Lightly cover the dough, by the way.  Don't drench these calzones just yet with sauce. 

      Toppings... well in this case, fillings can include anything that you'd put on a pizza.  I put chopped spinach, red and yellow peppers, yellow onion, garlic (yes MORE... hehehehehe), mushrooms in mine.  It was amazing!  Add mozzarella cheese, if you'd like!!! 

      To finish your calzone, fold the untouched dough side of your calzone over the toppings/fillings and sauce. Then begin to pinch the outer edges together.  You can get fancy and twist... I am not much of a baker and have no patience so I pinched mine in orderly fashion... cross my fingers and they came out fine!  Haha!

      Arrange the calzones on a baking sheet and bake in oven on 500 degrees  until the dough on the bottom is a crispy and brown.  The top of the cals should be golden and crispy, as well.  It should be about 10-12 minutes.  CAREFUL!  I'd keep on eye on these bad boys every four minutes.  Once the are cook thoroughly, they are ready to serve.  Be creative!  If you find this complicated, then make pizzas which are pretty much the same thing... except you cover ALL the dough with sauce and cheese... and you don't fold it... 

      Good luck and cheers!  Enjoy! 

      National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day! Hooray!

      That's right!  Today is National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day!  I had my clean version of this childhood classic.  Have you had your version?

      What exactly is a "CLEAN" peanut butter and jelly sandwich?!  Simply, a delicious and almost all natural version of this amazing classic.  What makes it cleaner and better for you is the ingredients that you choose.  I am taking this to the next level, my peeps!  Haha. 

      How to make the PB & J even better:
      • Choose a bread the is "whole grain."  The FIRST ingredient listed on your bread's label should read: WHOLE GRAIN.  Why?  Because I said so... kidding.  The reason being is because whole grain bread tends to have less sugar and will make you feel fuller. 
      • When choosing a "jelly" for you sandwich, you need to READ the back of the jar... the ingredient list to be specific.  Make sure you are purchasing a jam, preserve, or fruit spread that contains real fruit and low in sugar.  Do not opt for sugar-free because that contains artificial sweeteners which are not a healthy alternative. 
      • Lastly, PEANUT BUTTER!  I have always said NATURAL peanut butter is better for you!  Proof be, it's NATURAL.  No added sugar what-so-ever.  And, if your peanut butter ingredients indicate sugar, then it's NOT natural.  Also, most peanut butters include molasses which ups the sugar count and also contain hydrogenated oils which are bad for you. 
      These are just a few things to slightly alter your food consumption.  A classic becomes even better.  And, I bet back in the day... many decades ago, PB & J was made more like the version above.  Food for thought. 

      Clean eating can be delicious and can be fun.  This cleaner version of a down home classic is just one example.  Check back in with me as I find new ways to clean up more classics!  Cheers!

      The At-Home Butt Workout!

      As promised, here are some at-home rockin' butt workout routines that anyone can do!  This doesn't require weights or the gym.  You just need the determination and the desire to want a beautiful physqiue!  AND WHO WOULDN'T WANT THAT! 

      If you haven't been working out recently or have never worked out, please ask your physician prior to any physical activity if you are well enough to do these exercises or have them modify the sets and reps!  I don't want anyone injuring themselves or possibly harming themselves! 

      I am posting two clips courtesy of Harley Pasternak, as seen on The Revolution.  The reason why I am posting his workouts is: 1)  He a celebrity trainer... trains the stars PEOPLE.  So, he is not only certified and beyond qualified, he is a great motivator!  Plus, he will help you with your form.  2) I am not a certified personal trainer and although in the near future I will post video/photo footage of my routine, for now follow Harley.  3) FORM... again I cannot stress this enough.  Correct form is more important than people realize.  It's more important than the amount of reps; when you begin to fatigue (get tired), form tends to suffer.  When you get to this point, reduce your reps and watch your form carefully to make sure you are doing the exercise correctly.  If you are performing an exercise with poor form you are likely to injure yourself and that's NOT the point of exercise. 

      Now, time for the workout.  Watch these videos carefully then get ready to perform them in 2-3 sets of  15-20 reps... with good form!!!  The exercises Harley performs are:

      • Mule Kick
      • Reverse Lunge
      • Skater Lunge
      • Bench Step-Up
      • Single Leg Dead Lift


      Thanks for reading!  Cheers!

      Wednesday, March 28, 2012

      Skinny Fat...

      Skinny fat... That's me!  As of right now, I am not nearly as toned as I'd like to be or was.  I am flabby and giggle in places where I should not be giggling.  I am discontent with the way I look in the mirror and it now has an effect on the way I feel and my attitude towards people.  I feel sad, unhappy, angry, disgusted.  However, I can't let this get the best of me.  No way!

      Skinny fat is when you appear skinny and lean on the outside, but underneath those layers of clothing you lack tone and muscle definition which is exactly how I feel and look.  No one can convince me otherwise.  Everyone has their insecurities and mine is not being as toned as I normally am. 

      Solution:  BE MORE ACTIVE!  Yes, that's right I have avoided the gym for the last month.  My excuse: I used excuses!  No more excuses allowed here.  Not for me, at least.  I am determined to get back my toned and defined physique by the end of April.  My bikini bod awaits me! 

      I won't be perfect by the end of April.  However, I will have formed a habit that will now transcend me into SERIOUS WORKOUT MODE!  I will not use any excuses, I will not skip the gym (unless I have a HOT date or my nephew needs some TLC from me...), I will eat cleaner than ever, and I will not let my mind get the best of my ME time which used to mostly be spent in the gym. 

      So, let's begin this adventure together!  If you have been feeling the same as I have or need just a little extra push, then let's go!  I can't let you or myself down.  This is a matter of extending life and prolonging happiness.  I want both!  It's quite the commitment (don't be scared).  BUT WORTH IT!

      My promise to you (the reader) and myself is to: 1) Be more active!  At least 30 minutes of some form of physical activity everyday.  Whether it be cardio, strength training, playing with the dogs, running sprints, sex (for a half hour... hmm), JUST DO IT!  2) Stay on the regimen!  No steering clear... no avoiding it, no excuses!  3) Eating cleaner than ever!  Shape up that food intake and you'll be shaping up that hot beach bod in no time!  4) Having a positive, happy disposition regarding exercise.  Make it fun, make it enjoyable however you can!  Dance as you walk the treadmill (although CAREFUL doing this), do walking lunges to your favorite 80's songs, jump rope like you are 10 years old again... Just have fun and be motivated each and everyday. 

      I am starting TODAY... JOIN ME!  Let's get this done and learn from the past... whatever your past may be; not exercising, slacking off, not eating right... who cares!  Now is today and today you are starting over!  There is no tomorrow because tomorrow always becomes the next day and the next day and so on! 

      Let's go people!  What are doing reading this... get off the computer or your mobile device and get active with me!  I don't want to be skinny fat anymore... so let's go and workout!  CHEERS!

      Monday, March 19, 2012

      Cellulite... Eww! Coffee Grinds... huh?

      One day in band camp... KIDDING... Although, it was one day I was reading the ingredients on the packaging of anti-cellulite creams and serums, along with toning lotions noticing a very common ingredient: caffeine.  In fact, it is the most commonly used ingredient in creams, lotions, etc.  

      First, let's get down to the nitty gritty: What is cellulite?  Cellulite (a daunting and dreadful word) is when your skin fat deposits are visible just below the surface of the skin which gives a dimpled like appearance (you've heard the term cottage cheese legs and if you haven't where have you been?).  You can find this one of a kind "look" commonly on the abdomen, legs, buttocks, limbs, and pelvic region.  You can develop cellulite at any age because of your diet... Your food and beverage intake effects EVERTHING, see told ya so!  80% of a beautiful bod is nutrition (and yes, I will repeat that often so get used to it, haha). 

      There are numerous factors that play a role in the cellulite show.  It's not quite understood why men aren't blessed with this as much as woman however, there are some theories as to why anyone can have it or could achieve it (which I am sure NONE of you are trying to do).  Being a woman is a cause of cellulite, believe it or not.  However, scientifically genetics are a cause of cellulite.  Studies have shown cellulite can be passed down via our genes... so which grandparent do I get to send a Thank You card to this week... hmm.  The reason genetics may be causing the back of your legs or stomach to look like orange peels is due to factors such as race, rate of metabolism, how your body distributes fat, your body's ability or inability to circulate fat properly.   

      But, you can't just blame genetics as you sit on your couch watching The View and eating chocolate donuts all morning.  Another reason why we may develop cellulite is like I mentioned above, YOUR DIET, YOUR FOOD INTAKE, WHAT YOU EAT.  I'm telling you nutrition is 80%. Memorize it!  If you are consuming high amounts of fat, salt, or carbs then you are most likely to have more than just a little cellulite.  Too little fiber in your diet can be a factor, as well.  So... EAT BETTER, EAT CLEAN.  

      Your lifestyle may be your down fall to the cellulite gods.  They do have a lot of power.  If you smoke cigarettes, don't exercise enough, stand or sit in one position all day, don't hydrate properly then you are more likely to be flashing the cottage cheese thighs.  Hey, I made that fashion mistake numerous times!  

      Some studies have concluded that binding or tight clothes can stifle circulation and cause cellulite to form.  But, through a lot of just thinking to myself (I have limited friends... haha) and some diligent research I found a way in addition to eating clean and regular sweaty exercise to lessen the appearance of cellulite and to help rid it away.  

      So, back to the packaging ingredients I was looking at on today's most sought after and economical anti-cellulite creams, I found that CAFFEINE was the most commonly used ingredient... Along with a bunch of other long words with numerous vowels which were impossible to pronounce.  So why CAFFEINE???  Why not caffeine!!!

      Caffeine is a stimulant.  It's also a vasodilator (vas-o-di-lator) which can aide in opening up your blood vessels to reduce the amount of fat cells that could otherwise build up there.  When you your blood flows through your body without any "traffic" you are helping to naturally remove toxins and flush them bad boys (fat cells) bye-bye!

      So, I admit.  I pondered whether to purchase this $14 cream I had in my hand knowing it contains a load of caffeine... just for a minute.  Truthfully, I've purchased these sticky, smelly creams before.   But, right before I tossed the bottle into the shopping cart I told myself, "NO!  Why not try rubbing this mornings coffee grinds on my skin!?"  Yes... I convinced myself I will be cheap (or cost efficient) and rub cold coffee grinds straight from the press or filter.  As I laughed hysterically at myself knowing if anyone were watching, they'd be laughing... I picked up a Woman's Day magazine and sure as Sherlock they suggested the very same cost efficient method of cellulite reduction as I was doing at that VERY EXACT TIME!  I gasped in amazement, because I was starting to believe I was doing this all in the name of trial and error or uhh, science... But, if done properly you can reduce the appearance of your dimpley dimples.  

      Make sure your grinds have cooled off.  I did this at night... because it will TEMPORARILY leave your skin brown (from the grinds). Massage the grinds vigorously in a circle motion, upward and let them sit there for 10-15 minutes, like you would a facial mask.  Then rinse them off in which ever way you fancy.  It won't CURE your cellulite, so don't be fooled by that.  Cellulite is from within... so this is just a topical aide that is inexpensive and readily available from your morning cup o' joe!  Also, lay down towels and sit/lay on towels with this concoction on so you don't ruin carpet, rugs, bedding, clothes, etc.  

      Have fun! 

      Thursday, March 1, 2012

      Coffee with a Twist!

      Today's coffee was amazing!  I use a French press and it's quite great, but I put a twist in there.  I added my normal excessive amount of Starbuck's coffee grounds, boiled water, and as I was boiling that water I remembered how great it was to taste spice in my coffee.  So, I added 1 tsp of cinnamon, a dash of  nutmeg and ground ginger, and a few coriander balls... (don't laugh, haha).  Then, I added my boiling water and let it sit for four minutes, then served it up. 

      Cinnamon is a great antioxidant, as is coffee.  In ancient Chinese days, cinnamon was used to treat colds, reduce menstrual cramps, gas, nausea, and diarrhea.  It is perfect for lowering bad cholesterol, according to recent studies.  Studies have also shown that smelling cinnamon can boost cognitive function and memory.  Try smelling before tossing in the French press... Also, cinnamon is a good source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.  Be careful!  There are side effects to cinnamon and often have anti-blood clotting qualities.  So, if you are on meds check the side effects first! 

      Nutmeg may increase your sexual desire!  No joke!  So, sprinkle it in your coffee grounds!  Nutmeg is also great for soothing stomach aches. 

      Ginger is also great for soothing tummy aches.  It also helps with morning sickness... However, if you are pregnant you should ask your physician first about drinking coffee.  It can prevent colds and the flu!  It can also help with migraines and menstrual cramps!  Use this in combo with the cinnamon (LADIES) at that time of the month...

      Coriander is another great herb... known as cilantro, but as a seed it can be placed in coffee grounds.  Coriander can reduce swelling, high cholesterol levels, mouth ulcers, anemia, digestion, diarrhea, menstrual disorders, and can aide in helping eye care!

      Drink up ladies AND gents!  Nothing like making the best out of what you eat... and as always, read on the side effects prior to just adding away.  Cheers! 

      Lunch Date with Tuna Salad Sandwich... Mmm, Mmm!

      Today's lunch was most satisfying. I am soooo full and it's 3:00 PM. I ate a delicious homemade, clean eating tuna fish salad sandwich on whole grain bread (from Costco... surprisingly... no HFCS). How did I spruce up this rather boring canned meal!?!

      Here's the recipe:

      1-7oz can of albacore solid white or chunk light tuna (any brand) drained and rinsed with water... most are canned in vege...table or chicken broth which will add sodium to the mix... lots of it.
      1/4 small red onion diced
      1 to 2 medium celery stalk(s) diced*
      salt, pepper to taste
      1 tsp EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
      1 to 2 tsp of LIGHT mayo (not exactly clean, but you can omit)*
      1/2 to 1 tsp balsamic vinegar*

      sliced tomatoes to fit your bread
      sliced avocado to fit your bread
      handful of spinach

      MIX THE TUNA well with the other ingredients, except for the sliced toms, avo, and spinach. Once well mixed, arrange the tomatoes on one slice of bread and the avocado on the other slice. Place half the tuna salad on one slice and the spinach on the other. Put together and you're done!

      *Everyone has a different palate. Some like drier tuna, so like more moist tuna. So, dress according to your taste buds. But, less is more with the mayo!